Archive for June, 2014

Mark It Up: The Importance of Schema by @DuaneForrester


For almost 3 years now has been up and running, offering guidance on marking up your content. To those new to the concept, it’s a way to identify content in specific ways and with specific associations

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Use These Tools To See What Entities Are On A Web Page


Search engines leverage structured data to determine what entities are on your web page. They can also do this using other techniques such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning

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Foursquare To Charge For Local Database — Will Partners Balk?


According to a report in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Foursquare will soon be charging a small number of partners to use its Venue Database. Recently Microsoft and Foursquare agreed to a $15 million investment/licensing deal that brings Foursquare content to Bing search results and Windows Mobile…. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Key Takeaways From 5 A/B Tests With Significant Results


Always use positive customer testimonials as social proof. Test higher and lower prices

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Google’s Panda Algorithm Forces PR Newswire To Remove Press Release Spam


As you may remember, Google Panda 4.0 had a major negative impact on many press release sites including the largest one, PR Newswire. In response, PR Newswire issued a press release about them cracking down on “spammers” by removing and “taking action” on low quality press releases both before they hit the feeds and going back and removing a lot of the spammy older press releases.

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3 Opportunities With Those New Google Shopping Campaigns


For those who are not necessarily familiar with Google Shopping campaigns — let’s clarify things straight away. Product listing ads (PLAs) are remaining the same as an ad format for end users, whether search marketers are using “old PLAs” or new Shopping campaigns.

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Google Goes All-In With “OK, Google” Hands-Free Search


The evolution of voice-controlled search into a virtual personal assistant took another step forward with Google’s announcement that all Android-powered devices (KitKat or above) will now respond to the “hotword” OK, Google. Users can initiate a search or control and carry out any… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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This Week in WordPress by @slobodanmanic


More than three out of five CMS based websites now are powered by WordPress, according to a W3Techs survey.

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Restructuring Your PPC Campaigns in 5 Key Steps


Whether you start from scratch or modify an existing account, it’s imperative to follow a strategic, sequential plan when restructuring a PPC account. Here are the five steps to follow to get you on your way to a smooth restructure journey.

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Online Marketing News – Goodbye Google Authorship, 1 Minute On Facebook, Videos Dominate


The Marketing Industry According to Google Autocomplete – As you can see in the image above, Google has it’s ideas about what content marketing means.

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