Archive for June, 2014

The Top 5 Trends in Enterprise Content Management by @annebot


So we’re all in the cloud! Now what? In 2014, most businesses have recognized that sophisticated content management is critical to success, but many are still working on ways to build these systems into the organizational DNA. With so many emerging technologies, many companies are holding back rather than investing everything in an infrastructure that may need replacing.

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Tabke: Google Penalized eBay For Dropping AdWords Ads


As you know, eBay was penalized by Google either via a manual action or algorithmic action or both. Google and eBay won’t confirm it, but it is clear from the SearchMetrics charts. The reason for the penalty is not 100% clear…

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Backlinks = Rankings, Rankings = Traffic – Deal With It


Cheap, easy, automated link spamming is no longer an option for those in it for the long haul. Editorial link building is alive and well and more powerful than ever before.

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How To Run Single-Device Only Enhanced Campaigns. It Can Be Done!


When I speak about Enhanced Campaigns, I invariably get an audience question like this: “How can I create single-device campaigns? I know it’s possible somehow, tell me how!” I recently figured out the answer

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Doonesbury Comic: We Need A Company Slogan; Don’t Be Google


Yesterday’s Doonesbury comic strip mocks Google’s company motto and slogan of Don’t Be Evil.

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How to Create Content For “Boring” Businesses by @matt_secrist


Part I—Topic Development Let’s face it, not every business is exciting. A pay parking lot, a dry cleaners, and an insurance agency are just a few examples of businesses that may elicit more “ohs” than “ooohs” when you tell someone you work there

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5 Ways Social Data Can Enhance Marketing Data


The integration of social data with traditional marketing data can enhance your understanding of trends and user behavior, and also can be used as an added value for publishers and advertisers for testing creative, researching keywords, and more.

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The One Flaw Destroying Your Conversion Optimization Tests by @adamlundquist


Click… sale……click……no sale……no sale… You tensely sit at your desk and watch the data pour in from the first few days of your new conversion optimization campaign. Not good – no sales and no inkling of a winning variant.

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30 day challenge for June: treadmill desk!


Okay, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged. Let me tell you about the 30 day challenges I’ve been doing and what I learned: – March 2014 : I went back to doing no external email , and I learned this one weird, simple trick that helped. In previous “no email” challenges, I relied on sheer force of will not to reply to email

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A Content Marketer’s Guide to Data Scraping


Posted by MatthewBarby As digital marketers, big data should be what we use to inform a lot of the decisions we make.

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