Archive for January, 2013

Will [Not Provided] Ever Reach 100% In Web Analytics?


With the news today that Chrome is moving to secure search, marketers may be wondering about the larger picture of using search data in Web analytics. The searches people do that lead them to a site is valuable data to an organization

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: January 18, 2013


This week, we are pretty sure there was a Google update but Google is denying it. Facebook launched their search answer…

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Google: 224 Million ‘Bad Ads’ Disabled in 2012


Once again, the Google AdWords team has reported on its continued efforts to eliminate bad AdWords ads. This year, they’ve released an infographic that recounts all they have done over the past year to reduce the number of bad ads that appeared.

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Friday Humor: Some NFL Fun


There are some big games coming this weekend! The 49ers are playing the Falcons at 3:00PM Eastern on Fox and the Ravens are playing the Patriots at 6:30PM Eastern on CBS. Below are a few funny items. These are meant to be fun, so please enjoy.

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Can TV Advertising Really Impact Search Performance?


It’s relatively easy to report what happened in an ad campaign, but much more difficult to understand why things happen. Visits or conversions might go up or down, but why

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Sign of Hope? Banned Advertisers Rises Just 8 Percent in 2012


The battle against bad ads getting past the AdWords review process rages on.  Google announced in a blog post this week that the company axed 224 million bad ads in 2012. That’s up 67% from 2011.

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SEO Top Trumps: Know Who To Follow


With the vast amount of SEO content available on the Internet, how do you know what is valuable, what is relevant, who is knowledgeable, and ultimately in learning from others, who to follow? Let’s face facts: there is a lot of information out there and sadly, some of it is not good. That’s why it is vitally important to make sure you are listening to those who know their stuff, those who have years of experience, those who have been in the trenches

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Bing Further Bolsters Social Results With 5x More Facebook Content


In the wake Facebook unveiling Graph Search, Bing is now adding more Facebook data into its social sidebar results.

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Search In Pics: Google Chefs, Android Rubik’s Cubes & Google Docks View


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the Web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more.

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