Archive for May, 2013

Search In Pics: Google’s Virtual Supermarket, The Internship Screening & Google’s Internet Switch


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the Web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google’s Internet Switch: Source: Google+ Google’s Virtual..

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Beating a Dead Penguin


With the launch of Google Penguin 2.0 behind us, it seems the majority of folks managed to survive the challenges of Penguin with minimal impact.

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Google Business Photos Expands To Europe & Asia


Google announced they have expanded their business photos program into Europe and Asia. Google Business Photos is a way for you to share the inside of your stores on Google Maps. There are groups of trusted photographers that take the photos for syndication into the program

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Mozscape’s Third May 2013 Index Is Now Live


Posted by bradfriedman It has been an amazing month at Moz , and for the first time, we have served up three indexes in one month – holy fresh data, Batman! This index is also our second index release from our Virginia data center. As we’ve become so regular with our index releases, it seems that a blog post announcing each release may not be the best way to inform our customers on releases as they happen. This will be the last index update announced on the blog, but index release readers, have no fear!

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Tips for Analyzing The Impact Of Your Marketing Activities In Google Analytics


I work with a wide variety of clients across a wide variety of industries, and one of the most common issues I come across is what I call analytics forgetfulness.

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How to Focus & Amplify Your Personal Brand


If you’ve completed all the SEO basics of personal branding and set up your Google authorship tags properly it’s time to move on to some big hits that will really get you noticed. Here’s some inspiration, strategies and people you can learn from.

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Google Celebrates Julius Richard Petri 161st Birthday With Petri Dish Doodle


Google is giving a nod to science today by commemorating Famed German bacteriologist Julius Richard Petri’s 161st birthday with a Google Doodle.

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Yahoo Local: How to Set Up & Optimize Your Business Listing


Although Yahoo is no longer the search engine giant it once was, Yahoo Local is a great supplement to your online local strategy. Follow these step-by-step instructions to submit your site to Yahoo Local and optimize your local business listing.

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Online Marketing News: Google Blimps, Social CEOs, WordPress Turns 10, Future of Internet 2.4 Billion Strong


With over 725,000 views on Slideshare in just 2 days, this 2013 Internet Trends report from Mary Meeker & Liang Wu from KPCB is a must read. There are over 2.4 billion internet users world-wide and huge opportunities in store. This report speaks to the state of content (including photos, video and audio) and how it is increasingly findable, shared and tagged

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12 Reasons Why Hitting Publish is Only the Beginning of Content Marketing by @marceladevivo


Most of us think our job is done after we hit the “Publish” button on WordPress.  We take a deep breath, sit back in our chair, and congratulate ourselves on another article well done. Then we go back to pulling out what’s left of our hair, worrying about how to build more links.

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