Archive for June, 2013

Ten Google Sitelinks For Domain Searches


Search Google for your domain name, and if that doesn’t work try [] – you should see ten large sitelinks come up under the main site listing: Searching for the brand name…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: June 28, 2013


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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Google Logo Celebrates 100th Tour de France


Tomorrow, June 29th, 2013, will kick off the 100th Tour de France. To celebrate the special milestone, Google has a tasteful animated GIF Google Doodle for the Tour de France. The 2013 Tour de France will start tomorrow, June 29th and run through July 21st..

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State of Search: The History of Search…via Danny Sullivan by @johnrampton


When you understand the evolution of search engines over the years, you can’t help but get a feel for where they’re headed. After all, they’ve improved quite a bit

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Google Warning External Keyword Tool Shut Down Is Near, AdWords Keyword Planner To Replace It


Google is working toward the complete phase out of the Adwords Keyword Tool and phasing in the new AdWords Keyword Planner.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, June 28, 2013


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: Yahoo Rolls Out Search Alerts For Web Search, Images & Video According to the Yahoo Search Tumblr blog, Yahoo Search Alerts for Web Search, Images and Video… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Yahoo Rolls Out Search Alerts For Web Search, Images & Video


According to the Yahoo Search Tumblr blog, Yahoo Search Alerts for Web Search, Images and Video launched today. In the same way users can receive alerts for News, Fantasy Sports, Horoscopes, Stocks, Travel Destinations and Weather, the new Yahoo Search Alerts send users email notifications whenever..

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New Review Extensions In Google AdWords: What You Need To Know


Just yesterday, Google announced the beta release of AdWords Review Extensions, which allow advertisers to include blurbs of third-party reviews in their search ads. The extension could prove especially useful to local businesses and to advertisers who don’t have access to seller rating..

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