Archive for September, 2014

Daily Search Forum Recap: September 29, 2014


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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SearchCap: Google Panda Losers, Right To Be Forgotten & Google’s 16th Birthday


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

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Yahoo Directory Should Not Be Shut Down; It’s Historical


Yahoo announced that they are closing down the Yahoo Directory. Yahoo was founded on the directory…

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Yahoo To Retire Several Old Products, Including The Yahoo Directory by @mattsouthern


Yahoo recently announced they will be shifting their focus to what they feel are their core products, which means retiring a few products that no longer fit in with their core offerings. Yahoo says their core products are search, communications, digital magazines, and video — and shifting their focus to those products will allow them to deliver the best for their users. Jay Rossiter, SVP, Cloud Platform Group, stated in a release: At Yahoo, focus is an important part of accomplishing our mission: to make the world’s daily habits more entertaining and inspiring.

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An AdWords Script To Make Exact Match, Well…Exact


Many of you will have heard about Google’s decision to terminate exact match (at the same time as telling us that it’s for our own good). It’s a clear move to grab some more advertising dollars, and the news has been met with fury by SEM experts. Most two-year-old kids know that there is a..

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Facebook Launches Rebuilt Atlas, A Rival To Google’s DoubleClick by @mattsouthern


Facebook has announced the launch of Atlas, an advertising platform which they say has been rebuilt from the ground up to “tackle today’s marketing challenges.” Facebook describes today’s marketing challenges as being able to reach people across devices, and bridging the gap between online impressions and offline purchases. Atlas will purportedly tackle those challenges with a solution that’s being called “people-based marketing.” Erik Johnson, Head of Atlas, describes people-based marketing in a release: Atlas delivers people-based marketing, helping marketers reach real people across devices, platforms and publishers

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User-Centered SEO: Creating Long-Term Value


CMOs understand that by its very nature, SEO rarely stays the same for long. The shift to putting end customers and users front and center is quite different from SEO practices of yesteryear. While this new SEO direction may seem daunting, it also opens up a huge realm of opportunity for those that…

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Bing Search Update Last Week Also?


Everyone is talking about the big Google update, Panda 4.1 but there may have been a Bing search update last week also. One WebmasterWorld member said he believes there was a Bing update: Bing…

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Former Google Employees Launch Adult Entertainment Search Engine


A handful of former Google employees have created search engine Boodigo, which helps users find pornography on the Internet.

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3 Tips To Start Companies That Solve the World’s Problems #EmTech by @jboitnott


There was much to take away from MIT’s EmTech conference on future technology. Highlights included learning about the way drones are being used to make our crops grow better and about how Chinese search giant Baidu is delving into artificial intelligence by using deep learning. However, the overarching theme of the event was the young entrepreneur

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