Archive for May, 2015

Possible Google Panda Update Over The Weekend?


On Friday, we reported some early chatter around a Google update possibly kicking off Friday morning. Well, as expected, it seems to have heated up over the weekend. Not only has the chatter spiked up a lot…

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Google Play Gets “May The Fourth Be With You” Home Page Link On Star Wars Day


The streaming service could benefit big from the prominent Star Wars Day link on The post Google Play Gets “May The Fourth Be With You” Home Page Link On Star Wars Day appeared first on Search Engine Land

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Sneak Peek Into AdWords’ New Multidimensional Reports


Google has begun rolling out its new Report Editor to AdWords accounts, but very few advertisers have access to this feature yet. Luckily, columnist Susan Waldes is among them and has decided to share her findings here! The post Sneak Peek Into AdWords’ New Multidimensional Reports appeared… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google Confirms New Experiment With Twitter In Search Results


Google is expected to begin showing Twitter content in search this month, is this a screen shot of tweets in Google’s mobile search results? The post Google Confirms New Experiment With Twitter In Search Results appeared first on Search Engine Land

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Planning, Budgeting, and Measuring an SEO Campaign


Don’t let your company be destroyed by “cheap SEO.” If you can’t afford a reputable firm, then you should do it yourself.

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Bing Webmaster Tools Dropping Yahoo Data?


Back in 2011, Bing Webmaster Tools began adding Yahoo data to their reporting tools. At the top right of the charts..

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Origin Stories of Powerful Blogs: How WordStream Moves the Needle on Traffic, Leads, & Awesomeness by @tomdemers


Let’s find out how Wordstream moved toward being a powerful blog that have large readerships and get lots of traffic and shares.

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Who Invented The Piano? Google Doodle Celebrates Bartolomeo Cristofori’s 360th Birthday


Doodle plays “Joy of Man’s Desiring” from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Jesu and includes a control slider to adjust volume. The post Who Invented The Piano

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Is There Really a Battle Between SEO and PR?


There seems to be some strange sort of courting ritual going on – could SEO and PR mate successfully and have viable offspring? Or will one eliminate the other and emerge dominant in digital marketing?

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5 Easy Google Analytics Tips for Web Publishers by @slobodanmanic


In this article we’re going to focus on three specific Google Analytics tips that fit well for web publishers: Custom Dimensions, Segments, and Goals. The post 5 Easy Google Analytics Tips for Web Publishers by @slobodanmanic appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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