With right-side text ads gone, Google is testing a new, longer look for text ads that can display across devices in any ad position. The post In new test for Google text ads, headlines are expanded without sacrificing ad copy appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article
Tags: channel: sem, google: adwords, search ads, search ads: general
Posted in SEO
Think dynamic remarketing is only for retailers?
Tags: channel: sem, google: adwords, paid search column, search ads, search marketing
Posted in SEO
Last Friday at a packed-out Brighton SEO conference, expert local search consultant Greg Gifford delivered a fast and furious presentation on the secrets of local marketing visibility: it’s not just about local SEO . In a slide-show brimming with references to classic car movies, Greg Gifford raced through a host of tips and tricks that can massively improve your business’s local visibility and let you storm ahead of the competition.
Tags: beacon, brighton seo, events, facebook advertising, greg gifford, local search, local seo, local-marketing, organic search, penguin, SEO, silos, wistia
Posted in SEO
One year after Google put an algorithmic premium on mobile experience, the so-called “Mobilegeddon,” Google is at it again. New tools are coming in late spring to help webmasters make their websites work better on mobile devices. Mobilegeddon was the consequence of businesses not making their websites easier to use on smartphones and other mobile devices
Tags: mobile, mobile design, mobilegeddon, responsive design, SEO, user interaction
Posted in SEO
The folks at WebmasterWorld are discussing a new ad unit some of them are seeing in their AdSense spots. They are calling it a minimalistic ad unit because it is so bland…
Tags: google adsense
Posted in SEO
Do you make decisions based on metrics alone? Columnist Julie Joyce makes the case that this mindset can remove the critical human element from your marketing efforts. The post Metrics blindness: Why it’s harming your link dev efforts appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Tags: channel: seo, link building, link building: general, link week column, seo: domains & urls
Posted in SEO
Mobile adaptive sites and mobile responsive sights are the same, and both are synonyms for mobile-friendly… right? Not quite. Here’s a breakdown of the differences
Tags: adaptive design, mobile, mobile design, mobile friendly, responsive design
Posted in SEO
Research top ranking sites, and identify Google-associated keywords, to optimize your content and generate more traffic with Ahrefs.
Tags: adnouncement, SEO, sponsored post
Posted in SEO
Google is testing a minimalist version of the local box in the mobile search results. My best guess: It is a version for slower internet connections. The post Google testing a slimmed-down version of the local box appeared first on Search Engine Land
Tags: channel: local, google: maps & local
Posted in SEO
Google’s official slogan is “Don’t Be Evil”, but it’s long been rumoured that the company has a second, internal motto that they tend to keep under wraps: “You’re either fast, or you’re f***ed.” We’ve written about site-speed in the past, and there’s no doubt of its importance (if there is, stick around for the stats section of this post) but for content marketers, improving the speed of your website is often seen as a particularly arduous technical exercise that’s completely out of your control. Only a back-end full-stack engineer can speed things up significantly, right? As it turns out, nothing could be further from the truth
Tags: brightonseo, content, content marketing, images, optimization, SEO
Posted in SEO