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Has Amazon ended its Google Shopping campaigns?

Published on 2018/05/04 By admin

Reports from digital marketing firm Merkle show Amazon’s Shopping campaigns slowed after end of Q1, stopped abruptly April 28. The post Has Amazon ended its Google Shopping campaigns?

No search volume? No problem! 3 ways to improve low-traffic AdWords campaigns

Published on 2018/03/29 By admin

Contributor Jacob Baadsgaard thinks you need to get scrappy and find ways to make the most of traffic you have access to instead of trying to adhere to high-traffic “best practices.” The post No search volume? No problem! 3 ways to improve low-traffic AdWords campaigns appeared first on Search… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Are you ready for the attribution changes coming to Google AdWords?

Published on 2018/03/01 By admin

If you’re not, contributor Mona Elesseily will help you get up to speed. Here’s her overview of attribution and five different replacement models available in Google AdWords. The post Are you ready for the attribution changes coming to Google AdWords

How to build a stronger, more effective PPC team

Published on 2018/02/14 By admin

Contributor Frederick Vallaeys believes the PPC professionals with the strongest knowledge of paid search fundamentals will have the best opportunities for successful campaigns and solid career growth. The post How to build a stronger, more effective PPC team appeared first on Search Engine Land.

Optimizing for quality score is a best practice, except when it’s not. Here’s why.

Published on 2018/02/07 By admin

Contributor Amy Bishop explains that improving quality score shouldn’t be a goal in itself, but solely a means to achieve your business goals. How to tell when it’s worth focusing on and when it’s not

What’s going on with Google brand CPC?

Published on 2018/02/01 By admin

Brands may be at Google’s mercy when it comes to the price of branded traffic, but Columnist Andy Taylor outlines steps they can take to reduce their CPC pain.

5 New Year’s resolutions for your PPC campaigns

Published on 2018/01/26 By admin

Contributor Mona Elesseily shares her insights on fine-tuning your PPC campaigns for 2018 and beyond. The post 5 New Year’s resolutions for your PPC campaigns appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

15 PPC pro tips for writing text ads

Published on 2018/01/22 By admin

Want to know how to write great paid search ads?

Understanding AdWords keyword match types for manufacturers

Published on 2018/01/15 By admin

With much of AdWords’ help documentation geared towards retailers, it can be confusing for manufacturers to figure out how best to utilize the platform.

Understanding AdWords keyword match types for manufacturers

Published on 2018/01/15 By admin

With much of AdWords’ help documentation geared towards retailers, it can be confusing for manufacturers to figure out how best to utilize the platform.