Archive for May, 2017

Quality Score and other leverage points


Looking for ways to gain an advantage in paid search? Columnist Kevin Lee has some ideas to increase Quality Score metrics and surpass your competitors

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Micro-wins: The true secret to AdWords success


The PPC world is rife with stories of quick wins, hacks and tricks that lead to big gains in paid search performance — but columnist Jacob Baadsgaard notes that the best results with AdWords accounts are often the result of many smaller wins over time. The post Micro-wins: The true secret to… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Why Design Still Trumps Content in Marketing by


Good design can hold a user’s attention. Find out why design still trumps content when it comes to marketing. The post Why Design Still Trumps Content in Marketing by appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Google: SEO Over Optimization Can Eventually Hurt Your Rankings


SEOs for almost a decade have been using the term “over optimization” for one reason why a site might start to not do well in the Google search results.

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4 Psychological Tips to Write PPC Ads That Pack a Punch by @CJGiarratana


Want to make PPC ads a powerful investment for you? Here are copywriting tips for ads that get more sales! The post 4 Psychological Tips to Write PPC Ads That Pack a Punch by @CJGiarratana appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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How to Optimize a Small Website: On-Page & Mobile Factors by @grybniak


No website is too small to compete! Here’s how you can optimize on-page and mobile factors. The post How to Optimize a Small Website: On-Page & Mobile Factors by @grybniak appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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How to Inspire Your B2B Audience with Killer Content Marketing


B2B content marketers: It’s time to get over our inferiority complex. Yes, the B2C folks are over there marketing cool stuff like basketball shoes and energy drinks, while we’re stuck with cloud software solutions and medical imaging machinery

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AI. Machine Learning. What’s the Impact on Digital Marketing Today? [PODCAST] by @brentcsutoras


Marc Poirier of Acquisio joins SEJ’s Brent Csutoras to talk about how artificial intelligence and machine learning impacts online marketing. The post AI. Machine Learning

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What Google Opening Android to Rivals Means for Russia’s Search Future by @danny_taywitter


Google was forced to open Android to other search engines in Russia. What does this mean for Russia’s search future? The post What Google Opening Android to Rivals Means for Russia’s Search Future by @danny_taywitter appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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