Archive for June, 2012

Virtual Pageviews Or Event Tracking – Which Is Right For You?


An interesting challenge came across my desk this week. A site owner had installed a new contact form plugin on their WordPress website and they were struggling with tracking the submissions.

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Friday Humor: Spider-Man, Spider-Man Does Whatever…


The Amazing Spider-Man comes out on July 3, 2012! There are going to be Spidey events all over New York, and geeks everywhere are super excited! I have to say I had a very hard time finding Spidey humor that didn’t include curse words, but I finally found some things. However, we are going to

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Don’t Like The AdWords Display Ads You’re Seeing? Now Users Can Mute Them


Google has long made it possible for users of YouTube to skip ads.

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Bing Launches Disavow Links Tool Before Google


A couple weeks ago, Google won the praise of most of the SEO community by announcing they will build a disavow link tool into Google Webmaster Tools. So when I heard a disavow link tool was built for Webmaster Tools I was excited but then a bit taken back and shocked to hear it was Bing..

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Mobile Payments: Which Provider Will Win the Battle for Dominance?


With smartphone usage growing by leaps and bounds each year, payment providers are grappling to win control of the mobile payments market. Since total mobile purchases are expected to exceed $600 billion in 2013, it’s not an insignificant contest. Who are the current leaders?

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9 Questions to Shape and Future-Proof Your Link Building Strategy


Transitioning to an earned link strategy may involve a change in mindset, budget allocation, and organizational structure. Here’s a checklist to help you determine if a client is ready to evolve from a one-dimensional link building strategy.

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Online Marketing News: Content Marketing for B2B, Engage Your Audience, Twitter Bot Seems Human, Facebook Knows What’s Best, Watch The Sarcasm


Content Marketing in B2B exploreB2B recently partnered with Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs to creat this infographic which covers elements of why, what, where, and how of B2B Content Marketing that are necessary to execute on a successful campaign. Featured TopRank Team Story Shawna Kenyon – How to Build – and Keep – an Engaged Audience For those of us creating content on a regular basis it is important to understand how best to build and keep and audience.  Many companies find themselves asking: with so much content online how do we fit in, and how do we differentiate ourselves from the competition

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How to Bring Your Content Marketing Strategies to Life


Three areas are critical when getting your content marketing strategy in motion: deciding whether to outsource or hire your own writer; creating the right content calendar; and how SEOs and content writers can collaborate to create amazing content.

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Google AdWords Express Not Running? Here Is Why?


A Google Business Help thread has Neetu Kurian from the Google AdWords Express team answering some frequently asked questions. The first question tackled is why are my AdWords Express ads not running…

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Undoing SEO Damage Caused by Global Reputation Management Disasters


Thanks to the widespread global adoption of social networks, something that is funny, crass, or insulting can instantly go viral – destroying key brand SEO ranking with massive social chatter. Here’s how to clean up an international incident.

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