Archive for November, 2016

Fun with robots.txt


Columnist Patrick Stox provides some dos and don’ts for creating your robots.txt file — along with examples of companies who have gotten creative with their files. The post Fun with robots.txt appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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The trouble with truth


Do search engines and other content distribution platforms have a responsibility to present information that is true? Columnist Janet Driscoll Miller discusses the issues surrounding this question

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Looking for Black Friday deals? Bing flyer ads showcase retailers’ Black Friday circulars


Ads link to Black Friday circulars from major retail chains. The post Looking for Black Friday deals

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Ad customizers just got a whole lot more powerful


Columnist Frederick Vallaeys discusses the new capabilities of ad customizers in AdWords, explaining how you can use them to serve better, more relevant ads. The post Ad customizers just got a whole lot more powerful appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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Why Just Building Links Doesn’t Work Anymore, & 8 Types of Content to Create that Will Grow Your Online Presence by @JuliaEMcCoy


Some still think they’ll succeed by rattling off cheap content built solely to maintain a link or two. Here’s why that couldn’t be further from truth, and the 8 types of content to seriously invest in that will grow your online presence. The post Why Just Building Links Doesn’t Work Anymore, & 8 Types of Content to Create that Will Grow Your Online Presence by @JuliaEMcCoy appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Why Most Content Doesn’t Get Social Shares–And How to Get Yours Seen


It’s been a little over a year since Buzzsumo’s Steve Rayson dropped a bombshell on content marketers. After his company analyzed over one million blog posts, it was Steve’s sad duty to inform us that: 75% of posts received zero domain links 50% of posts received 8 shares or less 75% of posts received 39 shares or less In other words, that beautiful content we spent so much time crafting? Half of it didn’t attract enough people to fill a baseball roster.

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Google AdWords Adds Distance & Store Visit Performance Reports


Google announced on Google+ that they are adding more reports to help you figure out the store visits driven by your AdWords ads. They are adding a distance reporting feature as well as a store visits performance report feature..

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Google Popular Times For Venues Shows Real Time Data


You thought back a year and a half ago when Google released popular times for venues and stores, where it showed typically how busy a store is by day and hour, that it was really cool…

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Featured Snippets: A Dead-Simple Tactic for Making Them Stick


Posted by ronell-smith Dr. Pete throwing down at MozCon 2015, flexin’ in his retro Gatorade shirt At MozCon 2015, Dr.

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