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How do I make sure my site is mobile friendly? A checklist

Published on 2016/05/17 By admin

As we reported in our SEM news round-up on Friday, Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller confirmed that the latest wave of changes to Google’s mobile-friendly ranking signal has now finished rolling out.

Why accessibility is key for search and visibility

Published on 2016/02/25 By admin

If you’re involved with SEO, you’ve no doubt thought about all sorts of ways and means to boost your site in the search rankings. But if your site isn’t web accessible, your efforts will be in vain for 1/5 of your potential visitors. Web accessibility is the name given to making websites and online materials usable to people with disabilities, removing barriers to the way they experience the internet. From physical disabilities like loss of mobility, blindness and deafness to learning difficulties like dyslexia, a wide range of disabilities affect the way that someone accesses the internet

Why User Experience Design Needs Search Engine Marketing

Published on 2011/12/09 By admin

Most articles in this column focus on the how’s and why’s of usability, persuasive design and search engine marketing. We sound like a broken record. SEO needs UX

Does This Website Usability Fairy Tale Have A Happy Ending?

Published on 2011/07/22 By admin

Whenever I’m asked what usability is, I get tongue tied. “It’s about humans and computers,” I may say, but they’ll picture robots and talking cars. “I help make web sites that work,” is closer, but vague because technically, if it’s on the Internet, it’s working