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Tablet Device Usage Overtaking Print, Radio & TV [Infographic]

Published on 2011/04/12 By admin

Admob (the mobile ad network owned by Google) recently surveyed 1431 tablet device owners to learn more about their usage habits. The survey found that gaming was the number 1 activity for tablet owners and searching is the 2nd most popular activity on tablet devices . This is noteworthy as this is a behavior change from traditional desktop and laptop usage, where searching the web and using email are the top activities.

Searching is the 2nd Most Popular Activity On Tablet Devices

Published on 2011/04/11 By admin

Google’s mobile ad business, AdMob, has conducted a survey of 1,431 users to find out how people use their tablet (devices). The survey found: Nearly half (43 percent) of those surveyed use their tablet more than their desktops Over 30 percent of users spent more time on their tablet than the time they spent watching television.

Successful SEM Tactics For Marketing Mobile Apps

Published on 2011/02/02 By admin

Got a new mobile app that needs marketing? I wish I could say there’s an app for that, but for in-house search engine marketing managers, marketing a new mobile app involves a lot of the same elbow grease and detailed, tactical campaign work as a search engine marketing campaign. The App’s…