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Google reveals its three most important ranking signals

Published on 2016/03/24 By admin

We’ve already heard that RankBrain , Google’s artificial intelligence system, is the “third most important signal contributing to the result of a search query” and it seems like we may have confirmation on the top two factors as well. During a live Q&A from WebPromo with Andrey Lipattsev, the Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google Ireland, SEO expert Ammon Johns suggested to Lipattsev that, knowing what we know about RankBrain, it would surely be beneficial to everyone if we also knew what the other two signals were. And surprisingly, Andrey Lipattsev, obliges… “It’s content and links pointing to your site.” There you go

Instagram to adopt the dreaded ‘algorithm’, posts will show out of chronological order, everyone panic!

Published on 2016/03/16 By admin

*dusts hands, congratulates self on sensationalist headline, sits back and awaits traffic* So yeah, you probably already know this, but if you don’t – last night Instagram announced that will be adopting an algorithm that will show posts from the people you interact with/care about the most at the top of your news feed.

The winners and losers of ‘mobilegeddon’ in the USA

Published on 2016/03/10 By admin

In the USA, mobilegeddon was much more successful in making website operators take note of Google’s mobile-friendly update than for any other country we looked at. For the European search-markets, the worst mistake we found was companies  not having a mobile-friendly version  of their site

The Penguin in the room: what to do until Google rolls out its latest update

Published on 2016/02/29 By admin

Google’s Penguin 3.0 update affected less than 1% of U.S./English queries in 2014. Granted, Google processes over 40,000 search queries every second, which translates to a staggering 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide, so Penguin 3.0 ultimately hit 12 billion search queries. What’s scary though, is that Penguin 3.0 wasn’t too bad.

New on #MarketingNerds: How eBay’s Search Technology Helps Users Find Your Listings by @wonderwall7

Published on 2015/04/10 By admin

Visit our Marketing Nerds archive to listen to other Marketing Nerds podcasts! Dan Fain, Vice President of Search Technology at eBay Inc., joins me for today’s podcast to discuss eBay’s proprietary search technology, which they use to help both sellers and users in search results.

Good and Bad Reactions to Facebook’s Algorithm Change

Published on 2014/04/14 By admin

Most online media professionals have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. We love the reach it provides and the […] Author information Jean Dion Senior Journalist at InternetReputation.com Jean Dion is a writer, editor, avid blogger and obsessed pet owner

Infographic: The Biggest Changes To Google Search In 2013

Published on 2013/12/31 By admin

What were some of the biggest changes to Google Search in 2013, in terms of how its search algorithms ranked and displayed information? How about an infographic rundown, as we close out the year

Matt Cutts Reminds Webmasters That Google Will Always Be Changing by @wonderwall7

Published on 2013/10/16 By admin

On the Google Webmaster Help YouTube channel yesterday, Matt Cutts answered the following question from a user: Since Google has actively been updating its search results, it is hard for people to trust Google anymore. Should one start focusing on getting leads from social media other than search engine results? Matt’s response, seen below reminds […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot

Penguin 2.0 Losers: Porn Sites, Game Sites, & Big Brands Like Dish.com & The Salvation Army

Published on 2013/05/23 By admin

Google’s fourth Penguin update — what the company is calling Penguin 2.0 — hit last night, and less than 24 hours later we’re already getting a first chance to look at what sites might be considered “losers” in terms of search visibility. In a nutshell, the list… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article