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Break Free B2B Series: Amisha Gandhi on Global B2B Influencer Marketing

Published on 2019/11/07 By admin

Amisha Gandhi has so many titles now that if we were just to start telling you all of them you would lose patience before we even got to the good stuff. So we’ll just say she is in charge of Global Influencer Marketing at SAP

Enterprise B2B Influencer Marketing Interview: Amisha Gandhi, SAP Ariba

Published on 2018/10/08 By admin

One of the pioneers in the enterprise B2B influencer marketing space that I’ve been most fortunate to collaborate with most is Amisha Gandhi, ( AmishaGandhi ) Vice President of Influencer Marketing at SAP Ariba. Whether it was the SAP Leonardo launch microsite  with interactive content and 30+ influencers sharing their expertise reaching 21 million views or campaigns like this one with Arianna Huffington plus internal and external influencers for SAP SuccessFactors, there’s a lot of success in the momentum Amisha has created in the B2B influencer marketing world.