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Five ways analysts can take their skills to the next level

Published on 2016/08/16 By admin

As I’ve been writing about tools and tactics quite a bit lately, I thought for this month’s column I’d take a step back and share some ideas on how you can become a better analyst. And improving our analysis skills as marketers goes beyond broadening our career options and helping us be better at our craft.

Here’s a new way to track AdWords sitelinks in Google Analytics (which you may have missed)

Published on 2016/08/03 By admin

Pssst, hey did you miss it? Google Analytics quietly rolled out a new feature for measuring AdWords performance in April that could have easily been overlooked, but is packed with data and happens to be one of my favorite features right now.

Five steps to report marketing results like a boss

Published on 2016/07/15 By admin

If you don’t have a boss that expects you to deliver results reports on your programs today, you will in the future . But regardless of your current organization’s sophistication with marketing analytics, there’s no reason you shouldn’t step up and report results like a boss. But what exactly does that mean

How to create insights from consumers’ click histories

Published on 2016/07/01 By admin

Without any action behind it, data is just a bunch of numbers. Clickstream data is particularly valuable, providing insights about what consumers are doing. Data alone does not lead to insights. Analyzed data backed by a hypothesis and placed in the right context, on the other hand, does.

17 inspirational examples of data visualization

Published on 2016/06/28 By admin

We can all collect masses of data, but it only becomes genuinely useful when we use it to make a clear point. This is where data visualization comes in.

How to improve your CTR using Google Search Console

Published on 2016/06/21 By admin

Last month I wrote a comprehensive guide on how to use Google Search Console , covering every aspect of what is essentially a giant toolshed full of useful stuff for all webmasters to use.

15 data visualisation tools to help you present ideas effectively

Published on 2016/06/15 By admin

The number of digital skills you need in order to be a functional and useful member of your organisation are increasing at a rate you might be struggling to keep up with. As well as the ability to understand your analytics and be fully aware of basic SEO skills , you need to be able to present information and data in the clearest manner possible to members of your team and, of course, your senior management

Tie your web, and mobile properties together in Search Console, plus three more recent changes

Published on 2016/05/24 By admin

Since writing our comprehensive and barn-stormingly popular complete guide to Search Console a couple of weeks ago, Google has since released a few updates to make webmasters lives a darn sight easier. We’ll discuss a few of these later in the article, but first let’s reveal the news that Google Search Console now lets you tie all your managed multi-platform sites together and track the combined visibility in search. Search Console just launched a way to tie your sites together; something wanted by lots of people! https://t.co/FskytBdeyL — John Mueller (@JohnMu) May 23, 2016 This feature is called ‘Property sets’ and will be found in the Search Analytics section of Search Console.

Google launches Firebase Analytics for mobile apps

Published on 2016/05/19 By admin

Google has launched Firebase Analytics, a new analytics solution for mobile apps, at this year’s I/O 2016 developer conference .  Firebase was acquired by Google in late 2014 and helps developers build apps for Androids, iOS and the Web.

Google Search Console: a complete overview

Published on 2016/05/09 By admin

The Search Console (or Google Webmaster Tools as it used to be known) is a completely free and indispensably useful service offered by Google to all webmasters. Although you certainly don’t have to be signed up to Search Console in order to be crawled and indexed by Google, it can definitely help with optimising your site and its content for search.