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SearchIgnite Boldly Re-Launch As IgnitionOne

Published on 2011/04/14 By admin

SearchIgnite, an online marketing platform technology company, has rebranded itself as IgnitionOne to coincide with the launch of it’s new “digital marketing suite”. Previously known for having a demand side platform (DSP) and a paid search automated bid management platform (ABM) that were tightly integrated to make display ad buying more like paid search , their latest technology adds “the missing piece of the online marketing puzzle”, which is automating content delivery around search and social media lead scoring. The new brand logo for IgnitionOne has three overlapping circles which simultaneously indicate a progression for the company itself and is also intended to symbolize a progression for marketing technology platforms in the industry.

Yelp Integrates Telmetrics Call Tracking

Published on 2011/03/08 By admin

Despite the fact that call tracking jas been around for over 20 years, it is enjoying a bit of a resurgence in the last 12 months, suggesting that the era of mobile internet has well and truly, finally arrived. Google recently added call metrics to AdWords and paid search platform, Marin, added it as a keyword level analytics feature.

BrightEdge Launches Social Analytics To Boost SEO

Published on 2011/03/07 By admin

BrightEdge an ‘enterprise SEO platform’ has added a new module to it’s closed loop analytics engine that helps brands to identify and predict the impact of social media on search engine optimization (SEO). The system also creates a prioritizes list of suggested actions to take and enables online marketing tams to create a delegate tasks based on the data whilst, crucially, reporting on the return on investment (ROI) for SEO & Social media work on those particular keywords or pages – with ranking improvements as the final indicator.

Search and Social Media Marketing Strategies for Decade of Deflation

Published on 2010/11/15 By admin

Even in mid-November, many marketers are still preparing their marketing budgets for next year — which will probably be revised in three months — which is why virturally no one prepares a five-year plan anymore. But what if you were asked to come up with some smart search and social media marketing strategies for a decade of deflation? Click to read the rest of this post..