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US Desktop Search Rankings Hold Steady; Google Maintains 64% Share

Published on 2015/07/27 By admin

Google and Ask each drop 1/10 of a percentage point in comScore’s monthly rankings of the domestic search market. The post US Desktop Search Rankings Hold Steady; Google Maintains 64% Share appeared first on Search Engine Land.

Virtually No Change In US Desktop Search Market Share According To ComScore’s May 2015 Report

Published on 2015/06/29 By admin

Google still at 64%, while Bing holds on to the 20% share it reached in March. The post Virtually No Change In US Desktop Search Market Share According To ComScore’s May 2015 Report appeared first on Search Engine Land.

In His Own Words: Ask.com CEO Responds To Arbitrage Accusations

Published on 2014/09/25 By admin

Ask’s Doug Leeds also says the site’s not collecting first-party data or double-serving ads on Google. The post In His Own Words: Ask.com CEO Responds To Arbitrage Accusations appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Will Ask.com Google Arbitrage Ever Stop?

Published on 2014/09/22 By admin

Google has been steadily cracking down on sites with poor quality content, both on the organic and the paid side. So why does Ask.com continue to get away with it, and what’s it getting out of the relationship? The post Will Ask.com Google Arbitrage Ever Stop?

A Round Up Of Today’s Thanksgiving Themed Search Engine Homepages & Logos

Published on 2013/11/28 By admin

While’s Google’s Thanksgiving Day logo may have the best music, it’s not the only site to celebrate the holiday. Here’s a quick round up of Thanksgiving themed homepages and logos from a few popular search engines: Bing’s Homepage: Yahoo Thanksgiving Logo: Ask.com:… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

ChaCha Defeats Google, Bing And Siri In “Answers Quality” Study

Published on 2013/02/19 By admin

A study published today by Indiana-based Butler University compared the performance of a range of search engines and Q&A sites on mobile devices. It found that “ChaCha delivered the highest quality responses consistently across the largest group of categories and question types.”..

[Infographic] Search Engine Market Share November 2012

Published on 2012/12/16 By admin

A new infographic by Chitika insights reveals the latest trends in search, with Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and AOL as the main players. The results are a bit different than revealed in comScore qSearch analysis, where Google Inc. ( GOOG ) sites led the explicit core search market in November with 65.4 percent market share.

The Big Ask Of 2012: Do You Search For Team Kstew Or Rpatz?

Published on 2012/11/28 By admin

Ask.com’s 100 million users remain almost as loyal as Twihards, prompting us to ask if searchers are on Team Jeeves or Team Diller when putting in their queries.

Is Ask.com Continuing To Play The Google Arbitrage Game?

Published on 2012/10/22 By admin

We recently received an email from a reader who’d made an inquiry with Google AdWords support.

Ask.com Launches New Visual Q&A App “Pollroll”

Published on 2012/03/08 By admin

It seems like there are a million apps launching or promoting themselves in connection with the upcoming SXSW conference in Austin, Texas. Among them is Pollroll a new Q&A mobile app from Ask.com. Pollroll, according to Ask, “is designed to facilitate the creation, distribution and..