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Ask.com Inadvertently Leaked Searcher Query Data Via Server Status Page

Published on 2017/04/11 By admin

Ask.com, last week…

Ask.com Not An Arbitrage Engine

Published on 2013/04/02 By admin

Back in October…

Seriously! User Switches To Ask.com Over Google.

Published on 2011/08/31 By admin

We’ve seen users dislike Google’s changes over the years. We’ve seen users say they will switch search engines before. Heck, we’ve seen thousands of users say they will switch from Google to Bing.

Ask.com’s 15th Birthday

Published on 2011/05/10 By admin

15 years in the Internet world is like 100 and Ask.com is like a 100 today. It is their 15th birthday and they have really come full circle. From starting as a question and answer service to getting into web search and then going back to a question and answer service…

Diller Steps Down At IAC To Improve Company?

Published on 2010/12/03 By admin

Big news yesterday around the parent company of Ask.com, IAC/InterActiveCorp’s CEO and chairman, stepped down as CEO to become the senior executive of IAC. In addition, one of IAC’s large shareholders, Liberty Media…