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Six steps for an effective B2B content marketing strategy

Published on 2016/08/22 By admin

There is an increasing demand for content among marketers, but how can you ensure that your content marketing strategy is effective?

A seven step B2B AdWords tracking audit

Published on 2016/06/03 By admin

Conversion tracking can be the bane of a PPC professional’s existence. And that’s because there are so many variables. Every business has a different website and CMS, a different thing they want to track, a different web development team with different proficiencies

10 tips for marketing success on LinkedIn

Published on 2016/05/05 By admin

Using LinkedIn for personal and professional branding is easy, so why do so many brands and individuals get it so wrong? At ClickZ Live Jakarta, Chris J Reed, global chief executive officer and founder, Black Marketing, shared his 10 tips for success on LinkedIn .

How B2B brands perform on social (spoiler: better than you think)

Published on 2016/03/31 By admin

In B2B social media there are a few accepted ‘truths’.

White Papers: Pros, Cons, Examples and Best Practices

Published on 2015/01/13 By admin

Not every piece of content we produce resides at the top of the sales funnel spinning up awareness. If that were the case, our jobs as marketers would be much easier. When digital marketers roll up their sleeves and generate leads, many have found that white papers provide a utility for which potential customers are willing to give up a name and email address.

Roundup: 11 B2B Marketing Reports and One Killer Infographic

Published on 2014/11/03 By admin

While they would be nice to have, the  Future of B2B Marketing involves more than science fiction inspired predictions about cranial implants and neural marketing dashboards. Business Marketers are simultaneously investing in a more human approach to business content while also further tapping in to the power of data. Which innovations make sense for your B2B company

When do B2B Tech Companies Need Content Marketing? Inspiration for 2015 Marketing Planning

Published on 2014/10/14 By admin

Speaking at both a B2B Marketing and a Public Relations conference in the space of a week has yielded some insightful discussions. Many of those conversations have focused on the transition from where the B2B companies are today – a mix of tactics directed squarely at the C-level customer – and where a content marketing strategy might take them

B2B Marketing on Facebook? Yes! So Say IBM, Volvo, Salesforce & Lattice Engines

Published on 2014/10/13 By admin

It goes without saying that Facebook is most commonly associated with consumer marketing since it’s hardly a place for industrial engineers to talk about the latest manufacturing process or for enterprise software companies to promote side by side feature comparisons. But behind those companies are people – both on the brand and the buyer side of the B’s in B2B

What is the Future of Content for B2B Marketing? Find out at #MPB2B

Published on 2014/10/08 By admin

Content makes the B2B marketing world go round in so many ways. But will content of the future be as important as it is today

The Role of Big Data in the Future of B2B Marketing

Published on 2014/10/07 By admin

There’s now more data collected about our every interaction in the digital world than ever before.