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Elevate B2B Influence: Strengthen Your 2023 With Our Top 10 B2B Influencer Marketing Posts

Published on 2022/12/14 By admin

2022 has seen B2B marketers continuing to find creative new uses of influencer marketing, which has proven to be more recession-proof than other marketing tactics — and why 2023 is expected to see even more marketers and brands utilizing the power of B2B influence.  We’ve been fortunate to feature many fine articles on our blog over the year that explore how B2B marketers are making the most of social media marketing to elevate and achieve new levels of success.

20+ Reasons B2B Brands Are Increasingly Moving To Influencer Marketing

Published on 2022/12/05 By admin

Why are B2B brands increasingly turning to influencer marketing? B2B influencer marketing is the business-oriented cousin to the B2C Instagram entertainment and lifestyle influencer

Community Influence: B2B Influencer Marketing & The Ascent of Digital Communities

Published on 2022/11/02 By admin

Just how important have digital communities become today, and why does the rising trust we place in them harmonize so well with B2B influencer marketing? It’s no secret that the world has become digital-first during the pandemic, but one change that may surprise many is just how important online communities have become

Persistent Power: Accelerate B2B Marketing Results by Working With Influencers in 2022

Published on 2021/12/07 By admin

The power of collaborative B2B influence is poised to revolutionize marketing in exciting and expansive new ways in 2022, but what’s the best way for your company to get started? HubSpot recently named influencer marketing a top industry trend for 2022 , and in the U.S. alone spending on influencer marketing is expected to top $4.1 billion in 2022 (eMarketer.) In an increasingly competitive landscape, the critical question many B2B marketers are asking is how to use the power of influence to genuinely connect with new, larger audiences

5 Examples of B2B Brands Rocking With Influence in 2021

Published on 2021/06/09 By admin

How does influence help B2B brands achieve success? Influence may be multifaceted almost to a fault, however a key essence is its role in providing smart answers to the questions your audiences have. Reaching target audiences through digital channels was recently found to be a top-three critical challenge for B2B marketers.

10 Expert Pointers To Create Better B2B Content With Authentic Influence

Published on 2020/11/18 By admin

How does authentic content help drive better customer experience?

B2B Marketing Innovation: Tips On Creating Social Influence in B2B Marketing from Alan Belniak of PTC

Published on 2012/09/24 By admin

Finding a way to influence your prospects, customers, and company advocates is an essential part of doing business in today’s digital world.  Finding different methods of creating influence is essential with complex purchasing processes often present with B2B marketing. Fortunately, we have the insight of savvy B2B marketers who are out in the field, developing, testing and implementing best practices that are willing to share with our readers here at Online Marketing Blog .