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RedHat on Connecting B2B Content for ROI – Across Sites and Teams

Published on 2023/10/19 By admin

For those of us in the world of B2B content marketing, we know that the customer journey isn’t always linear and the value of that content isn’t always easy to attribute. Laura Barnes , Senior Director of the Global Content Team at Red Hat, shed light on the importance of connecting content measurement across multiple customer touch-points during her recent presentation at Content Marketing World

Press Play: How Marketers Who Invest in B2B Video Earn Greater ROI

Published on 2022/06/29 By admin

How is B2B video marketing continuing its ascendancy and generating greater return-on-investment (ROI) than ever, and where are B2B marketers finding the sweet spot when it comes to video success? With investment in B2B video having climbed, search engines showing more video answers and social media platforms continuing to place video front and center, there’s never been more vibrant and bustling video marketing activity  — or possibility — than now. Let’s take a look at some of the most recent information about B2B video from the latest industry reports and surveys, and hear from some of the top subject matter experts and proponents of B2B video.

Four Ways B2B Influencer Content Builds Better Marketing Reach & ROI

Published on 2022/06/13 By admin

Nearly every marketer is familiar with B2C influencer marketing, such as it is. Celebrities promoting iPhones, various alcohols and even “probiotic” yogurt.