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5 Podcasting Trends Every B2B Marketer Should Know

Published on 2022/10/03 By admin

We may have mentioned a time or two that podcasts are a great way for B2B marketers to release content . But since my first B2B podcasting post (way back in the before times of 2018, how naive we were), the landscape has changed significantly

Episodic Expansion: How to Optimize B2B Experiences by Expanding Your Podcast to Full-On Video

Published on 2022/05/23 By admin

Podcasts have been having their 15 minutes of fame for nearly a decade now. For marketers, we’ve seen podcasts go from off the radar, to a wide open new channel, to an established, even crowded, medium

Listen Up: Why B2B Marketers Are Embracing #InternationalPodcastDay

Published on 2021/09/29 By admin

Why are more B2B marketers than ever before embracing podcasts?

10 Tips To Turn Your B2B Podcast Promotions Up To 11

Published on 2020/10/27 By admin

According to the latest numbers , more people in the US have listened to a podcast than have not — and a full quarter of the population listens weekly.

B2B Podcasting: 20 Stats that Make the Marketing Case

Published on 2019/11/21 By admin

Good grief, Josh, why can’t you shut up about B2B podcasting ? Does the world really need another think piece, blog post, or webinar about the potential? Don’t people get it already

Break Free Series: Amanda Todorovich on Creating Content that Pays Off

Published on 2019/11/05 By admin

Amanda Todorovich is the Senior Director of Health Content at Cleveland Clinic. That title kind of undersells what she did over there.

10 Crucial Steps for Launching Your B2B Podcast Into the Wild

Published on 2019/10/14 By admin

Hey, friend, have you heard the good news about podcasts?  Given the most recent stats, it’s highly likely you have.