The latest update to Google’s algorithm has potentially major implications for brands and marketers who are focused on showing up for their audiences in search. As with many recent updates, this one is designed to surface genuinely helpful results that align with search intent
When it comes to search, Google is the primary gatekeeper between your content and your potential buyers. As of last year, nearly 92% of all searches were made on Google. Whenever Google has a major algorithm update, it highlights just how much we marketers depend on it
When developing content optimized for search, the basic advice to write helpful content is a good place to start. But holistic SEO involves much more than simply writing. Any B2B marketer looking to rank for competitive keywords should invest the necessary time in developing an SEO process that starts well before any words are written and extends far beyond the moment of publication.
Global search engine optimization is the process of optimizing a website for search performance all over the world. As you might expect, this can be quite involved. Paying attention to the global performance of keywords you’re trying to rank for is just the start.
There are two competing questions in search marketing that may not have obvious answers: Why spend money on a Google Ads campaign if I can just rank organically? Why try to rank organically if I can just run a Google Ads campaign? The answers to these questions are multifaceted, but they are not difficult to understand. Let’s explore the push and pull between SEO vs
What will search marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) look like in 2024 — as generative AI and other factors continue changing the landscape of one of the primary technologies B2B brands use to be found and to help answer key questions? We’ve gathered B2B search marketing insights from both industry experts and our own team, and are happy to present our annual look at SEO predictions and search trends for 2024. When I first went online nearly 40 years ago in 1984 operating a 300-baud bulletin board system, it would be six years before Archie’s FTP site search arrived in 1990, followed three years later by Excite and the other early web search engine innovators, and if there’s one aspect of search that has remained constant throughout the ensuing four decades, it’s been never-ending change.
If you can’t measure it, you can’t make sense of it.
With any B2B marketing strategy, it’s easy to get lost in the jargon. This is definitely true of search engine optimization. There are so many tactics, channels, metrics and tools involved with modern SEO that trying to keep them all straight can be downright scary! As you embark on your quest to master the art of B2B SEO, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the key terminology that will be your guiding stars.
Most companies that are looking to elevate their digital marketing strategy are not starting from scratch. Unless your business is brand new, you likely already have a website and a library of existing content.
What will Google’s generative artificial intelligence (AI) search future look like, and will the search giant be able to make good on its goals of aligning its systems to principled human values?