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Five useful ways to create content for service and product pages

Published on 2016/04/25 By admin

Content development knows no bounds! As you’re likely aware, every bit of your website or blog needs content development at one point or another. However, I find that many people get stuck when it comes to developing content for their business’s service and product pages. It’s easy to get creative when writing a blog or creating a guest blogging strategy, but product and service pages can scare people off.

Facts Tell, Stories Sell – The Importance of Story Before Marketing

Published on 2014/04/22 By admin

Recently my sister in-law, Melanie, shared with me the success of her initial ventures into a new business selling a collection of handmade dolls, stuffed animals and blankets.

6 Cleverly Creative Marketing Campaigns of 2013

Published on 2013/11/21 By admin

We all have friends. One thing that makes us friends is that we have things in common, and what we have in common are our personalities and our interests. We interact with others based on those things—and with the social atmosphere so crucial to a brand’s persona, they want to be our “friends” too

New Mobile Assisted Shopper Study on Showrooming & How Mobile Can Work For Brick and Mortar Retailers

Published on 2013/10/17 By admin

On the one hand, the speaker lineup and list of brands participating at the Pivot conference in New York this week was one of the most impressive I’ve seen for a niche event. From our clients LinkedIn and Dell to a cornucopia of brands including Walmart, MTV, Intel, Kraft, Monster, NBC, General Electric, Yahoo, Adobe, Salesforce, SouthWest Airlines, General Motors, IBM, Ben & Jerry’s and many more – there was plenty of brand star power in the room. On the other hand, the format and venue made this the most difficult liveblogging experience I’ve ever had.

How 4 Consumer Brands Are Using Visual Content To Tell Stories & Engage Customers

Published on 2013/01/31 By admin

As the online landscape becomes increasingly more competitive, marketers are finding that great content isn’t just about what you say, but how content is presented as well.

Winning Social: 5 Social Media Marketing Contests That Boosted Consumer Brands

Published on 2012/11/29 By admin

Who doesn’t love a contest or a raffle? Nothing gets people excited like the possibility of winning a prize. In this economy, you can’t blame the enthusiasm

Pingup Closes $4 Million Funding Round – Opens New Sales Door

Published on 2012/11/28 By admin

Just in: Boston based C2B texting innovators Pingup announced having closed a $4 million dollar Series A funding round led by Boston VC firm, Avalon Ventures. Pingup is pretty much the way an engagement “easy button” is supposed to look.  If ever there was an innovation bred out of need, Pingup CEO Mark Slater and fellows The post Pingup Closes $4 Million Funding Round – Opens New Sales Door appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

Want to Have a Larger Impact on Your Organization? 4 Tips for Becoming A Better Influencer

Published on 2012/04/24 By admin

How Can You Become A Better Influencer? Tip: You'll attract more bees with honey than you will with vinegar! Last week Lee Odden shared a post  on attracting the attention of influencers online.  Whether we’re talking about  influencers with mass appeal, or those that have a closer and more personal relationship with their followers, each person presents an opportunity to learn and grow

Stuck In A Marketing Rut? 4 Signs That It’s Time To Add Engagement To Your Online Marketing Strategy

Published on 2012/03/13 By admin

When you ask an online marketer what frustrates them the most about reaching customers and prospects online you’re likely to hear the following: Finding a way to connect with their audience Moving prospects through the buying cycle Growing their network and lists Marketers often talk about their prospects being overloaded with too much information which can lead to an indecisive audience, causing marketers to miss projections and sales goals.

Online Marketing News: Chrome Gets Hacked, Facebook Can Get your Game Noticed, Take an Interest in Pinterest

Published on 2012/03/09 By admin

Google+ For Business This infographic was recently shared by Chris Brogan on his website and provides some valuable insight into using Google+ for business .  Highlights include: Why Google+ is the place to be Sharing is the key Taking your business page to the next level “Introducing Google Play:  All your entertainment, anywhere you go”   Google is looking to eliminate the hassle of syncing across multiple devices and computers.