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WebPromo’s Q&A with Google’s Andrey Lipattsev [transcript]

Published on 2016/04/06 By admin

As we reported at the end of March, Andrey Lipattsev, the Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google Ireland revealed the three most important ranking signals used by Google .  These are content, links and RankBrain (although that last one is “hotly contested” and the list doesn’t have an order). This information was uncovered during an excellent live Q&A from  WebPromo , which also featured  Rand Fishkin from Moz;  Ammon Johns, the Managing Director at Ammon Johns & Co.; Eric Enge, CEO at Stone Temple Consulting; and the whole thing was hosted by WebPromo’s Anton Shulke. We’ve partnered with Anton to bring you a transcript of the entire one-hour long Q&A

The Many Uses of Backlink Analysis by @linkbuildingjon

Published on 2014/03/24 By admin

Conducting a backlink analysis is the foundation of any link building campaign. There is so much information to be gained and a wide variety of uses for the data you uncover.

Why Your Links are Getting Ripped Off by @oroup

Published on 2013/12/27 By admin

Marketers love to talk about their “channels” and they spend a lot of time, energy, and money maximizing the return for the SEM and email dollar. There’s another channel they won’t readily brag about: their organic traffic; their “free” traffic; the traffic they get from you. The hyperlink is the defining feature of the web, […] Author information Oliver Roup CEO at Viglink Co-Founder / CEO of @VigLink.

10 Old School Matt Cutts Videos You Need to Watch by @backlinko

Published on 2013/12/27 By admin

When TheShortCutts.com launched a few months ago, it set off a viral explosion powder keg in the SEO world. Although only a few months old, the site’s homepage has over 900 backlinks and a Page Authority of 51