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Holiday PPC Tips From Back-To-School Season: How BookRenter Faced Down Bigger Competitors & Rising CPCs

Published on 2013/11/13 By admin

As online businesses prepare to ramp up their holiday paid search campaigns, it can be instructive to look at insights from the retail’s second biggest season: back-to-school. For BookRenter.com, an online text book rental company, back-to-school is its holiday season.

Back-To-School PLA Advertisers: Heed New Google Shopping Feed Requirements

Published on 2013/07/16 By admin

This is important for all merchants running Google product listing ads to note, but the timing makes it particularly key for advertisers running back-to-school or summer blow-out promotions. As we previously reported, Google announced new specifications for Google Shopping product feeds.

6 Lessons Marketers Can Learn from 2012 “Back to School” Digital Marketing Campaigns

Published on 2012/09/11 By admin

It’s September. Leaves are changing color, kids, teens and young adults are back in their classrooms – and retailers are adding up cash from back-to-school sales

How To Maximize SEM Efforts With Search Retargeting

Published on 2011/07/20 By admin

Last month, we discussed how display media has evolved to be more quantitative in Why Search Marketers Are The Future Media Planners, and ironically, how the skillset held by search marketers has become more relevant to display media than the skill set held by current media planners. Using the…