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Digital travel and SEO: how Skyscanner dominates the SERPs

Published on 2016/06/07 By admin

The digital travel market has grown rapidly over the last decade. Sales in Western Europe totalled $152 billion in 2015, with the worldwide figure more than $533 billion. Taken from PI Datametric Digital Travel Report, here are some stats on digital travel and SEO, as well a look at the organic search dominance of Skyscanner in this market.

Six lessons advertisers can learn from local SEO

Published on 2016/06/02 By admin

Last month, ClickZ Intelligence published its report into ‘The State of Mobile Advertising’, in partnership with Search Optics. Among the report’s findings was the revelation that mobile advertisers are missing out on hyperlocal opportunities in a big way.

2016 state of link building survey: five important takeaways

Published on 2016/04/06 By admin

Links are still one of the most important ranking factors in Google search. This was confirmed as recently as March, when Andrey Lipattsev , a Senior Quality Senior Strategist at Google, revealed links, content, and RankBrain as the top three most important ranking factors . This wasn’t surprising information (at least to SEOs), but it was an important confirmation.

Can You Grow Your Organic Traffic Without Generating Content? by @neilpatel

Published on 2015/03/10 By admin

Did you know that the average web page that ranks on page 1 of Google has at least 2,000 words of text? That means if you want more organic traffic, you have to create tons of content, right? What if you don’t have a content bone in your body—does that mean that you are out of luck when it comes to your rankings?

Monitor Backlinks Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Awesome [SPONSORED] by @lauracruzspeaks

Published on 2015/02/03 By admin

This is a sponsored post. I was given an account with Monitor Backlinks for review for SEJ readers. What I really like about SEO tools, especially Monitor Backlinks, is not only the detailed information you get about the SEO health of your own site, but also the resources and sources you can get from monitoring your competition

How Social Media Changed SEO And Why Your Business Can’t Thrive Without It by @stoneyd

Published on 2014/11/23 By admin

Many people ask the question, “Is social media necessary to get good search engine rankings?” In my opinion, they are starting with the wrong question. I think the die has already been cast on the importance of social media and whether or not it should be an integral part of SEO. (It should.) The real question is, “Can SEO thrive without social media?” To that, I firmly believe the answer is “No”. Not today, and not for as long as social media continues to play a role in shaping society

SEO 101: Can Links on My Website Hurt My Rankings? by @johnrampton

Published on 2014/07/10 By admin

Over the years, there has been much debate on how links, both inbound and outbound, can effect your website’s search result rankings. How much does a link from a bad site help my site?

Top Five Local SEO Myths — And Truths

Published on 2014/05/16 By admin

There seems to be no end to the range of declared “SEO truths” for local mom and pop shops.

What Is a “Good Link Profile” and How Do You Get One? by @neilpatel

Published on 2014/05/09 By admin

You know that good link-backs are an important part of SEO.

It’s Not All About Ranking: Benefits of Backlinks Beyond SEO by @linkbuildingjon

Published on 2014/05/08 By admin

Google’s search algorithm places such great emphasis on the accumulation of backlinks that link builders can forget the value of a link beyond search. Yes, quality backlinks can carry enormous weight and help bring your site to the top of a competitive SERP