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Bing Search Ranking Algorithm Update Around May 29th? Microsoft Says No.

Published on 2024/08/05 By admin

Microsoft looks to have pushed out a Bing Search ranking algorithm update around May 29th. I don’t track Bing Search ranking volatility that closely anymore but Glenn Gabe looked back at some data and believes that around May 29, 2024, there was a big Bing core update (if you will).

Bing Search Ranking Algorithm Update Around May 29th? Microsoft Says No.

Published on 2024/08/05 By admin

Microsoft looks to have pushed out a Bing Search ranking algorithm update around May 29th.

Reddit Blocked Bing Search & Others But Not Google

Published on 2024/07/25 By admin

On July 1, 2024, Reddit updated its robots.txt file to prohibit most search engine and AI crawlers from accessing its content – including blocking Microsoft Bing. Reddit did not block Google Search, which we covered here a few weeks ago.

Bing Webmaster Tools Clickthrough Rate Over 100%

Published on 2024/06/18 By admin

Did you ever sort the Bing Webmaster Tools clickthrough-rate column from highest to lowest and notice that you can see a CTR higher than 100%, I even see 300%. Well, Fabrice Canel from Microsoft said this is possible when a searcher clicks on your listing more than once from the same search result set.

Bing Webmaster Tools Notifications & Insights Bug Fixed

Published on 2024/05/01 By admin

Fabrice Canel from Microsoft confirmed Microsoft has fixed a bug with Bing Webmaster Tools showing inaccurate and/or irrelevant notifications in the notifications and insights section.

Bing Webmaster Tools Tells You When Your Inbound Links Are Inadequate

Published on 2024/03/13 By admin

Last week, Bing Webmaster Tools introduced top SEO insights that give you some SEO tips for your site. It even tells you when you don’t have enough good links pointing to your site. Bing can show a message that reads, “Inadequate inbound links from high quality domains.”

Bingbot Supports Brotli Compression

Published on 2024/03/13 By admin

Bingbot is now rolling out Brotli compression for its web crawler, Bingbot. Fabrice Canel from Microsoft said on X that Bing “enabled it on a small percentage of URLs crawled each day, and we’ll gradually increase traffic throughout this spring.”

New Bing Webmaster Tools IndexNow Insights & Top SEO Insights

Published on 2024/03/06 By admin

Microsoft updated Bing Webmaster Tools to build out the IndexNow reports, now named IndexNow Insights, add new Top SEO Insights to the main page and also cleaned up the side bar navigation within the tool. Plus, Fabrice Canel announced how IndexNow has grown to over 2.5 billion submitted URLs.

Bing May Now Use AI To Write Your Snippets With AI-Generated Captions

Published on 2023/11/17 By admin

Bing announced this week that it may use AI to create your snippets. Bing is calling this “Generative AI Captions” and if Bing uses AI for your snippet, it will label it as such.

Bing Webmaster Tools Comprehensive Performance Insights Reports

Published on 2023/10/18 By admin

Microsoft Bing is now sending out new emails through Bing Webmaster Tools named “Comprehensive Performance Insights Reports.” These are reports that show you how your site is performing in Bing Search.