Bing Webmaster Tools has been down and/or loading incredibly slowly for the past couple of hours.
Microsoft has opened access to the Copilot feature within Bing Webmaster Tools. I played a lot with it when I was in the limited beta in December and it is a cool nifty feature to use, but I am not sure how critical of a feature it is.
Fabrice Canel from the Microsoft Bing team told SEOs that instead of focusing on traffic and rankings, they should focus on conversions and click value.
Microsoft has updated Bing Webmaster Tools to make selecting the date ranges a lot easier in the performance reports. Now the date selectors are very quick to select, and not deeper inside a menu option.
In October, Microsoft announced it was testing adding Copilot features to Bing Webmaster Tools. This is not showing Copilot data in the performance reports, but rather using Copilot to ask questions about your data and website in Bing Webmaster Tools. Well, now it is officially in beta and Microsoft said 10,000 users now have access to it.
Microsoft has provided some new updates to Bing Webmaster Tools, including 10 months more of data for the search performance reports, an updated recommendations section, and a preview of Copilot tools coming to the toolset.
Microsoft Bing may use ProductGroup markup in the future for its “captions” in the Bing Search results.
Fabrice Canel from Microsoft said that Bing Search treats 308 redirects the same as they treat 301 redirects.
Microsoft looks to have pushed out a Bing Search ranking algorithm update around May 29th. I don’t track Bing Search ranking volatility that closely anymore but Glenn Gabe looked back at some data and believes that around May 29, 2024, there was a big Bing core update (if you will).
Microsoft looks to have pushed out a Bing Search ranking algorithm update around May 29th.