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12 Things You Should be Doing Right Now for Semantic Search by @searchlabs

Published on 2014/11/24 By admin

Semantic search. You’ve heard of it, you’ve researched it and you’re probably wondering what to do about it.

How to Combat & Recover from Negative SEO Attack: The Survival Guide by @navneetkaushal

Published on 2014/09/01 By admin

The email starts off with “This is an extortion email” and goes on to say if you do not pay a certain amount of money, the sender will hit your website with tactics they call negative SEO. Now what?  Yes, negative SEO exists and can impact your site’s performance on Google.

Protecting Yourself Against Negative SEO: An Interview with Bob Rains by @johnrampton

Published on 2014/08/11 By admin

As part of our SEJ interview series I recently caught up with Bob Rains from CBS Interactive to discuss negative SEO and black hat SEO.

Suing Your SEO: Can An Agency Be Held Liable For Poor Results?

Published on 2013/08/02 By admin

It was only a matter of time before a lawsuit was filed against a search engine optimization agency for failing to deliver. Last week, the legal marketing industry was aTwitter (and aFacebook and even aPlus) with news that law firm Seikaly & Stewart had filed a lawsuit against The Rainmaker… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

10 Things Most SEO Consultants Hate

Published on 2013/03/14 By admin

Having spent over ten years as an SEO consultant, I’ve gathered a list of “top ten challenges” (or, as I think of them, my pet peeves) about the industry and our clients. I’m sure you’ve had similar experiences to share with our community

Google Sends Hundreds Of Thousands Of Webmaster Notifications Each Month & 90% Are Black Hat Related

Published on 2013/02/14 By admin

Google’s Matt Cutts shared some new statistics in a recent video about the types of notifications Google sends out via Google Webmaster Tools. Google sends approximately “hundreds of thousands” of messages each month to webmasters. The categories of those messages break down as…

Social Search: Dead On Arrival? Or On Life Support?

Published on 2012/04/17 By admin

It’s the uber-powerful search marketing signal…  and marketers sabotaging it even before it’s had a chance to find a toe-hold. I’m talking about ‘Social Search’, the rising trend of social media-driven local search signals and the callous, narrow-minded and (in…

OpenCamp Blackhat SEO with Social Media

Published on 2010/08/28 By admin

The first content session I’m attending at OpenCamp is by Gio, aka Giovanni Gallucci, a longtime search and social media marketer based in Dallas. The topic is “Blackhat SEO” and the room is packed! The session was cut a bit short due to technical difficulties with getting the conference started and Gio took it in stride and was both entertaining and informative – the right mix for a morning tech crowd