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B2B Brands Take a Stand: 5 Examples of Going Beyond Words to Action

Published on 2020/06/10 By admin

It’s never been more important for brands to show purpose and to be connected to what’s important to customers. As our CEO Lee Odden recently observed in Marketers: We Can Do Better Than Words with Action , “We can all agree that there has to be a change and that we can all play a part in some way, large or small,” a call to action that is being taken to heart by individuals and brands alike.

A SEO Guru, Social Media Expert & PR Pro Walk Into a Bar… A Smarter Content Marketing Mixology

Published on 2014/07/03 By admin

So, a SEO guru, a social media expert and a public relations pro walk into a content marketing bar. The search marketer says to the bartender, “I’d like 35 shots of of the same tequila, but each needs to be in a slightly different glass, in different amounts and chilled at slightly different temperatures.” The social media marketer says, “I’ll buy a round for all my friends and get one for yourself too.