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How search can help with planning your m-commerce site

Published on 2016/06/01 By admin

Last week we launched ClickZ Intelligence , a new service providing actionable insights into the worlds of digital marketing and ecommerce. One of the reports we launched with is the first in a series of in-depth and practical guides to achieving m-commerce success: The DNA of a Great M-Commerce Site, Part 1: Planning . With the number of consumers who want to purchase products and services using a mobile device rapidly increasing, there is considerable pressure for companies to embrace mobile commerce, or m-commerce, as quickly as possible.

Quantifying Brand Bias In Search Results With Rand Fishkin of Moz

Published on 2014/05/09 By admin

Like many, I enjoyed Rand Fishkin‘s keynote, The SEO Revolution Will Not Be Televised, at SMX West this past March. Rand is a dynamic speaker and a smart marketer; and in my estimation, he deserves most of the attention he gets. That being said, I was taken aback by his claim during the..