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The Soul Of B2B: Tactics For Making Marketing Connections That Endure

Published on 2023/08/09 By admin

If our connections are truly the soul of B2B marketing, how can we ensure that we’re doing the best we can to nurture our existing network while simultaneously seeking out and building the right new business relationships? In 2023 we have more opportunities than ever to reach out and initiate new business connections — almost a daunting number of options from new social platforms such as Threads to traditional email and others — yet doing so in a meaningful way has become nearly a lost art.

Enduring Engagement: 5 Easy Ways To Build New B2B Marketing Connections & Make Them Last

Published on 2022/04/27 By admin

How can B2B marketers create new professional connections that endure, and strengthen their existing business relationships? With ostensibly more ways than ever to find new connections both online and off, the task can seem overwhelming. Luckily, by making clear goals and putting a strategy in place to achieve them, marketers can start truly tapping into the power of building new connections and making them — along with existing ones — stand the test of time

Online Marketing News: Social Media ROI Gets Serious, Know Your Metrics, Facebook Search Engine, Twitter Rumors & What They Mean For You

Published on 2012/04/06 By admin

Are Your Social Media Efforts Worth The Money? This infographic recently released by Radian6 dives into how online marketers are currently measuring social media results as well as questions many marketers are asking.  Some of the highlights include: Equation for determining ROI Customer Engagement Importance of ROI 3 Rules for Building Business Relationships Building your network both online and offline requires effort