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FCC repeals net neutrality by party line vote

Published on 2017/12/15 By admin

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, a former Verizon lawyer, gives his previous bosses an early Christmas present by gutting the 2015 rules.

Converting SEO Non-Believers: How To Overcome Objections And Get The Budget

Published on 2015/09/23 By admin

Columnist Clay Cazier shares his advice for getting buy-in from those who don’t see the value in search engine optimization. The post Converting SEO Non-Believers: How To Overcome Objections And Get The Budget appeared first on Search Engine Land

Yahoo Search Testing Google Powered Search Results

Published on 2015/07/01 By admin

Google might have reached a deal with Yahoo to power some of their search results. The post Yahoo Search Testing Google Powered Search Results appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

To Grow Your Career, See The Whole Customer Experience

Published on 2015/04/27 By admin

It’s important for SEO professionals to be well-versed in search, but columnist Nathan Safran reminds us that true leaders understand the bigger picture as well. The post To Grow Your Career, See The Whole Customer Experience appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

What Signals From Twitter Does Google Care About?

Published on 2015/04/23 By admin

Earlier this year, Google and Twitter struck a deal which once again gave Google access to Twitter’s data stream. Columnist Miriam Hirschman explores how this might play out

With Nadella’s Appointment, The “Search CEOs” Now Run Google, Yahoo & Microsoft

Published on 2014/02/04 By admin

Satya Nadella being named CEO of Microsoft isn’t just big news for Microsoft. It’s big news for search

Former Lead Inktomi Engineer On Why Google Beat Them

Published on 2012/05/04 By admin

Back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Inktomi was the search engine that many SEOs focused on when optimizing their sites – they powered Yahoo, HotBot and many other portals and search engines.

How The Food Network Suddenly Spiked In Popularity & Why comScore Isn’t Buying It

Published on 2011/06/25 By admin

In May 2011, the mantle of the most-trafficked food site according to comScore passed to Food Network from AllRecipes, who had held the position for over two years. What was its secret recipe

Live Blogging Baidu CEO Robin Li At Web 2.0 Summit

Published on 2010/11/16 By admin

Baidu CEO & Chairman Robin Li will be speaking today at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. I’m here and will be live blogging his remarks, when the session begins. Schmidt is set to speak at 5:15pm Pacific, and he’ll be interviewed on stage by John Battelle