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How to Prepare Your Digital Marketing Strategy for 2015 by @Jus10McGill

Published on 2014/12/18 By admin

It’s that time of year again, the time when you need to do your research and prepare your digital marketing strategy for the upcoming year. Getting your digital marketing strategy ready is vital to your success next year.

Why “Big Data” Won’t Win You The Battle For Online Revenue

Published on 2014/02/13 By admin

With so much attention currently being focused on big data, advertisers are beginning to lose sight of one crucial truth: big data is worthless if it’s not the right data. So what is the right data? We all know that the digital advertising landscape has dramatically matured over the past..

Analyzing Competitiveness In Your Paid Search Account

Published on 2013/05/17 By admin

The auction-based industry we work in involves a number of metrics which help search marketers identify where they are doing better or worse than the competition.