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Brands Share Their Most Hair-Raising Content Marketing Horror Stories

Published on 2015/10/29 By admin

If content marketing stories were movies, most of the ones we hear today would be romantic comedies. Brands all over the world are telling stories of how they overcame obstacles and beat the odds to make their customers fall in love with them. While these stories are inspiring, sometimes content marketing isn’t all flowers and chocolates and happy endings

Content Marketing Measurement & ROI Advice From Experts at Kraft Foods & 3M

Published on 2015/07/06 By admin

Understanding the potential risk and return on any investment is imperative for making a sound business decision. It doesn’t matter if the investment is monetary or that of time or resources. In recent years, marketers have begun investing more and more into digital marketing programs

Enterprise Content Marketing Strategy: Ready, Set, Action! Carlos Abler of 3M #CMWorld

Published on 2015/06/10 By admin

Long ago, I received the best business advice for accelerating performance: Find the smartest people in the industry and learn from them. Whether you’re a budding director with dreams of the big screen or the director of marketing charged with scaling content across the enterprise, finding the right people to learn from is essential