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What You Need to Know About Content & Influencer Marketing in 2015

Published on 2015/01/27 By admin

Influencer Marketing was a hot topic in 2014 and will continue to gain momentum in 2015 for both B2C and B2B marketers, especially when it comes to content co-creation. “Why” the warm and fuzzy for influencer content you ask? According to CMI and MarketingProfs, over 90% of B2B marketers are investing in content marketing. Yet, in an age of information overload where 74GB of data are delivered per person, per day (USC), standing out to business buyers can require unreasonable budgets and resources

How We Grew Social Media Traffic by 170% in 3 Months by @thebigdebowski

Published on 2014/05/29 By admin

This past January, I took on a new role: Social Media Manager for Search Engine Journal. One of my first projects was to put together a comprehensive social strategy. The thought of putting together a detailed guide covering a variety of platforms was a bit daunting, but I ended up discovering that if I put in the time, supported my conclusions with research and used an iterative group review process, the results would be well worth the effort

The Search Engine Sandbox | Does it Really Exist?

Published on 2014/05/03 By admin

I admit that I didn’t know this technical term existed till somewhat recently.  The Sandbox.

Removing a 16 Month Google Penalty – There is Hope Yet by @matthewbarby

Published on 2013/10/01 By admin

Disclaimer: Due to privacy agreements I cannot share the exact name of the client that I’m going to be discussing within the post. Ever since the first Penguin update on April 24th 2012, the way we approach link building has completely changed.

5 Ways To Jump Ahead In Your Industry

Published on 2011/06/29 By admin

We frequently hear about the consumer brands that dominate their markets. Amazon controls 25% of all Internet commerce