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Should Your CEO Actively Use Social Media? Here’s How from Chris Brogan

Published on 2013/07/11 By admin

Marketers With Beards! Social Media for Executives – Interview with Chris Brogan originally published on Tech Page One. With 27% of total U.S. internet time spent on social networking sites (Experian) and 55% of marketers spending more marketing budget on social media in 2013 (eMarketer), the momentum of the social web has clearly gained mass appeal.

Marketing Superheroes: Chris Brogan, Big Story Teller Plus

Published on 2012/11/07 By admin

Chris Brogan, the President of Human Business Works, is one of the world’s most respected experts in the space where business meets social. Today, he is a guest of SEJ, and shares with you a few secrets of the trade.

Stand Out Above the Noise – Blogging Tips From Chris Brogan #BWENY

Published on 2012/06/07 By admin

“There are plenty of crappy photographers out there, that is why they invented Instagram.” – Chris Brogan (touche Mr. Brogan) I must say the pre-keynote presentation was hilarious

Google+ for Business: 5 Things Marketing Professionals Should Know About Google+

Published on 2012/01/17 By admin

Google+ has been on the lips of every online marketing professional since early 2011.  With a base that has now passed 62 million users  and the integration of Google+ into Google search , it has become clear that Google+ is here to stay