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Weekly Search & Social News: 02/22/2011

Published on 2011/02/22 By admin

Hello and welcome back to ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. It was another fun filled week out in the trenches last week. Some (big?) news from Google

Weekly Search & Social News: 02/15/2011

Published on 2011/02/15 By admin

Hello and welcome back to ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. Another week, another drama. While I’ve not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder if the winter blaaah creates more drama in the search industry

Paid Links V Content Programs

Published on 2011/01/27 By admin

It all about feeding the Beast! If there’s one topic that is as alive today as it was in year past, it’s paid links. Are paid links bad ?

Weekly Search & Social News: 01/25/2011

Published on 2011/01/25 By admin

Hello and welcom back to ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. While there was a lot of good posts last week, there was also a fair bit of drama, animosity and oddities as well. I found it kinda odd since the search world had been fairly calm the last few months

Weekly Search & Social News: 01/11/2011

Published on 2011/01/11 By admin

Hello and welcom back to ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. After taking a few weeks off over the holidays to re-charge, we’re back stronger than ever with everyone’s favourite weekly round up (it is right?)

Weekly Search & Social News: 11/23/2010

Published on 2010/11/23 By admin

It’s time for another ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. With PubCon in full swing last week, you’d think it would be quiet out there

Weekly Search & Social News: 11/23/2010

Published on 2010/11/23 By admin

It’s time for another ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. With PubCon in full swing last week, you’d think it would be quiet out there. Strangely, things rolled along just fine.

Weekly Search & Social News: 11/09/2010

Published on 2010/11/09 By admin

It’s time for another ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. What a week… I mean like, WOW. The SERPs continue to change over at Google

Weekly Search & Social News: 11/02/2010

Published on 2010/11/02 By admin

It’s time for another ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. Conference season is well and truly in swing now and so the blogging world seems to slow down, though there’s lot’s of ‘live blogging’, something we don’t tend to cover here.

Bing looks at phrases for ranking analysis

Published on 2010/10/28 By admin

When it comes to semantic analysis and how search engines deal with text, there has been a lot of theories thrown about the last while. From our long past in LSI snake-oil , to the more recent LDA fiasco , it seems SEOs are trying to get their collective heads around it.