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Stop Gambling with Your Marketing and Go Pro with Tips from Ten Pubcon Pro Speakers

Published on 2018/09/28 By admin

In the fast paced world of search and digital marketing, what separates amateurs from professionals often comes down one simple distinction: marketing as a gamble or marketing as a planned, measured and iteratively optimized discipline. There are far too many marketing campaigns being implemented simply because “that’s how we’ve always done it”, as a reaction to the competition and as a limitation of the in-house team tasked with execution.

Visual Content Marketing Strategy eBook

Published on 2014/08/18 By admin

If a picture is worth a thousand words, visual content marketing must be worth millions. As companies mature in their use of content marketing from simply creating “more” content for SEO purposes to creating really useful content designed to reach specific customer segments to influence business outcomes, the importance of content differentiation becomes paramount

Audience Development for Content Marketing eBook

Published on 2014/08/11 By admin

“Publication is not distribution and a content marketing strategy without audience development is no strategy at all.” Jeff Rohrs @jkrohrs Wise words from the guy who literally “ wrote the book ” on Audience. With all the investment in content creation, curation and repurposing being made, it’s amazing how little is actually invested in growing the audience and community for that content. If you publish content uninformed by audience insight and without a community to receive it, does anyone care?

Content Marketing Interview with Jascha Kaykas-Wolff CMO of BitTorrent

Published on 2014/07/31 By admin

The power of storytelling in content marketing is unmistakable. But what is there beyond storytelling? That’s a key question being asked and answered at the upcoming Content Marketing World conference Sept 8-11th in Cleveland.

Riding the Waves of Social Media – 38 Social Media Marketing Tips from #SMMW14

Published on 2014/03/06 By admin

A few years back while vacationing in Oahu, we decided to take surfing lessons. Well, everyone but me. I made up all kinds of excuses but when I saw my 8 year old daughter pop up like it was nothing, I had to try.