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Is Anybody Out There? How to Get More Eyes On Your Blog Content

Published on 2018/09/26 By admin

What’s more important than creating great blog content? What’s more important than writing with empathy, storytelling, and research

Invisible Content Syndrome and the Content Promotion Tactics to Cure It

Published on 2018/09/18 By admin

Eyes fixed on his computer monitor, Jack felt perspiration form on his forehead as he waited in anticipation for the flood of visitors to the new campaign he and his team just launched. Anticipation turned to nervousness as he looked around the room and asked, “Who’s promoting this content?” All Jack got in return were blank stares and a bad case of Invisible Content Syndrome. According to research by the  Content Marketing Institute , 83% of B2B marketers use social networks for traffic, making it the most preferred tactic.

50 Content Promotion Tactics to Help Your Great Content Get Amazing Exposure

Published on 2018/08/27 By admin

You’ve just launched a gorgeous campaign with all the design bells and whistles.

5 Ways to Weaponize Mobile Content Marketing via Native Advertising by @chasemcmichael

Published on 2014/09/12 By admin

The world has gone mobile in a big way and brands are using growth hacking techniques to reach those “on the go” consumers via content marketing and native advertising. According to a recent study released by comScore, mobile app consumers see more digital content than desktop or mobile web surfers, accounting for 52 percent of the time spent using some type of digital media. Combine that with mobile web, and it accounts for 60 percent of time spent on a small screen

Content Promotion Tips for Online Community Managers

Published on 2013/06/05 By admin

In a few weeks I’ll be giving a talk at the University of St Thomas in Minneapolis to a class on community management on a topic that I think will interest many of our readers.