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How B2B Marketers Can Build a Community of Influence with Content

Published on 2021/05/24 By admin

One of the most compelling scenarios for B2B marketers to build content and community is through a combination user generated content (UGC) and strategic content collaborations.

Content Curation Inspiration: Types, Examples, & Use Cases for B2B Marketers

Published on 2019/05/16 By admin

If you create and share content, curation is part of your B2B marketing strategy. From seasoning a blog post with key third-party statistics to sharing an interesting article from an industry publication or influencer across your social channels, you’re curating.

Why Content Curation Is an Essential Part of Your Marketing Mix

Published on 2017/07/17 By admin

Imagine if an art museum contained every single painting created over a hundred-year period. It wouldn’t be much fun to visit, right? Hundreds of thousands of images, of wildly varying quality, without organization or context?

Content Curation 101: 7 Best Practices, Helpful Tools & Great Examples

Published on 2016/12/26 By admin

In today’s digital world, marketers know that creating quality content is key to informing, engaging and inspiring action, as well as building authority and rapport with their audiences. And oftentimes that means creating original pieces and assets that tap into their audience’s interests, address pain points and answer burning questions.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Web Content to Succeed in 2015 by @JuliaEMcCoy

Published on 2015/01/15 By admin

The holiday season has ended and, it’s time to think about your web content and gear up for the new year. The first step is to reassess and address the changing needs of your audience. As time goes on people’s needs change, and in order to remain relevant, your content must also change to keep up with the times

Why You Must Curate Content in 2015 by @JuliaEMcCoy

Published on 2015/01/09 By admin

In 2015, web content will surround us (I think it might even drown us).

How To Create Compelling Web Content With Curation and Auditing by @JuliaEMcCoy

Published on 2014/12/11 By admin

When it comes to customer connection and engaging your audience, every brand is faced with one key question: Where does my content come from?

5 Tools That Can Help You With Your Content Curation Efforts by @shuey03

Published on 2014/11/25 By admin

Imagine you’re driving to the grocery store one Saturday morning, you see a bright orange sign that reads, “Yard Sale” along the road, so you decide to stop and check it out. Once you get out and start walking around, you realize not only does this person have a lot of stuff, their stuff is thrown together all over their yard

3 Content Curation Best Practices to Optimize Your Content Marketing

Published on 2014/11/17 By admin

Blending a mix of new content with the filtering and management of other useful information streams is a productive and manageable solution for providing prospective customers a steady stream of high quality and relevant content. There are several good services that facilitate curation tasks and software can help, but on it’s own, software isn’t the answer

20 Ways to Curate, Find & Share Great Content to Engage Your Readers by @JuliaEMcCoy

Published on 2014/11/06 By admin

Ever wonder how many content pieces get shared, re-tweeted, blogged about, posted, mentioned, you-name-it, on the Internet? Wired’s infographic from last year showed Facebook as one of the hottest platforms for sharing and viewing activity, with 20% of every single page view on the web taking place there, and 3.2 billion likes and comments posted daily. And that’s just on one platform.