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Digital Marketing News: Content Pet Peeves, Facebook’s New Look, Personalization With AI & More

Published on 2019/05/10 By admin

What’s Most Annoying About Brand Content? Consumers Weigh In Adobe’s* 2019 Brand Content Survey asked 1,000 consumers what they found the most annoying in brand content. The results showed that wordy content or poorly written content takes the cake with 39% of the vote.

This Month in #ContentMarketing: February 2015 by @dantosz

Published on 2015/02/27 By admin

What happened in #ContentMarketing world during the month of February? Let’s take a look. The post This Month in #ContentMarketing: February 2015 by @dantosz appeared first on Search Engine Journal

This Month in #ContentMarketing: December by @dantosz

Published on 2014/12/31 By admin

The basics of good content hasn’t changed in the last ten years, but 2014 did bring a renewed focus on developing great content. As we look into 2015, many businesses are planning to focus on content marketing in the coming year. Perhaps Stephanie Miller said it best: Content is King

Online Marketing News: Tips for Going Viral, Socially Optimized via Mobile, Facebook Timelines for Business, LinkedIn Company Follow

Published on 2012/03/02 By admin

What does it take to go viral? This recent video from Salesforce.com covers what it takes for your content to spread as well as the formula for success.  The video also includes a checklist marketers can use to increase their likelihood of going viral.