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RedHat on Connecting B2B Content for ROI – Across Sites and Teams

Published on 2023/10/19 By admin

For those of us in the world of B2B content marketing, we know that the customer journey isn’t always linear and the value of that content isn’t always easy to attribute. Laura Barnes , Senior Director of the Global Content Team at Red Hat, shed light on the importance of connecting content measurement across multiple customer touch-points during her recent presentation at Content Marketing World

How to Prove the Value of Content Marketing to Your CMO in 3 Easy Steps

Published on 2018/01/24 By admin

“ROI” can be a blurry idea in the world of content marketing. With often hard-to-measure costs and returns, content marketing ROI or value isn’t always crystal clear. Dealing in metrics like pageviews, time-on-page, organic impressions, and others aren’t always directly translatable into business revenue, which — let’s face it — is what your bosses really care about

How to Prove the Value of Content Marketing to Your CMO in 3 Easy Steps

Published on 2018/01/24 By admin

“ROI” can be a blurry idea in the world of content marketing. With often hard-to-measure costs and returns, content marketing ROI or value isn’t always crystal clear. Dealing in metrics like pageviews, time-on-page, organic impressions, and others aren’t always directly translatable into business revenue, which — let’s face it — is what your bosses really care about

New Report: Content Marketing Performance – A Framework to Measure Real Business Impact

Published on 2015/03/17 By admin

It’s safe to say that in 2015, the vast majority of businesses are creating content for marketing (B2C 77%, B2B 86%) 2015 CMI/MarketingProfs. But to what end?

Creating Content That Drives Revenue: Jason Miller and Shafqat Islam

Published on 2014/09/11 By admin

It’s another packed house in the ROI track with LinkedIn’s Jason Miller and NewsCred’s Shafqat Islam taking the stage after Shane Snow’s inspiring session. The duo did not disappoint

Infographic: Achieve Real Content Marketing ROI – 10 Tips from CMI, Dell, Kraft Foods, Curata, NewsCred

Published on 2014/08/27 By admin

Understand Why Before ROI with Content Marketing The rush towards the content marketing bandwagon can seem as chaotic and nonsensical as most of the adventures of Alice in Wonderland. There are Cheshire Cats offering ambiguous advice and Red Queen business managers demanding results now or, “off with their heads!” There is no satisfaction from investing in creating more content if the purpose (or porpoise) is not clear. This is why “the why” of content marketing is so important.

How to Show Real ROI for Your Content Marketing eBook

Published on 2014/08/25 By admin

We must hold ourselves accountable to higher level KPIs so we can stop fighting for our discipline and start fighting for more budget. Julie Fleischer @jfly The most elusive of white rabbits in the content marketing world seems to be the question of how to best measure ROI. According to a study by CMI and MarketingProfs, over 50% of marketers are investing more budget in content marketing and the most effective marketers spend more than double than the least effective marketers. While budgets are moving in the right direction, measuring ROI still has some progress to make. According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound Marketing study , less than 50% of marketers can confirm content marketing’s positive ROI. If you would like to shine some light down the rabbit hole of content marketing ROI, we have just the thing for you: A new eBook called, Showing Real ROI for Your Content Marketing .