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A Day in the Life of a Content Marketer During the Pandemic: Challenges and Tips

Published on 2020/08/13 By admin

I’ll never forget the night that everything really changed. It was my wife’s birthday, March 11th. I took her out for dinner at a lovely restaurant in South Minneapolis, and for a couple of blissful hours, over exotic cocktails and delicious food, we unplugged from the loudening noise of a worrisome outside world

Manufacturing Runs: 9 Summer Content Marketing Tips Drawn from the Diamond

Published on 2020/06/23 By admin

Baseball and content marketing are two of my greatest passions. When I think about it, there are some intrinsic similarities between the two that aren’t hard to see.

Hyperspace: 5 Surprising Marketing Lessons From ’80s Arcade Games

Published on 2020/05/27 By admin

What can marketers in 2020 learn from the low-resolution stand-up video arcade games of the 1980s? Here are five surprisingly-modern marketing lessons that we can learn from and implement today, with roots that come directly from vintage ‘80s arcade games. Slap that fire button and let’s warp ahead and take a nostalgic look back at a simpler time in both video gaming and marketing, and then hyperspace ahead to today’s vastly different landscape

6 Scary Good Tips to Take Your Content Marketing ‘Beyond the Grave’

Published on 2018/10/31 By admin

After conjuring all the budget, talent, and creativity you can muster, the moment you release your content marketing campaign into the digital wild is devilishly satisfying. All your hard work comes alive right before your very eyes, and that’s certainly cause for celebration. via GIPHY But after the campaign lives its best life, what will its fate be

How Customer-Centric FAQ Pages Can Improve Content Marketing Results

Published on 2018/10/03 By admin

Your prospects and customers have questions. And it’s your job as a content marketer to answer them. That’s why you’re continuously turning out content to inform, engage, and inspire action throughout the buyer journey.

Why Content Marketers Everywhere Need to Get Down with User-Generated Content

Published on 2018/09/03 By admin

Authenticity: it’s treasured, but in short supply. TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden had it right when he wrote recently that trust in marketing is at risk

25 Inspiring & Actionable Content Marketing Tips For (Almost) Any Situation

Published on 2015/08/20 By admin

The dreaded content marketing rut, we’ve all been there. Everyone from copywriter to CMO has experienced content marketing fatigue at one point or another. Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you try you can’t quite seem to: Create enough content Get the engagement you need Find interesting ways to innovate Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

How Content Marketers Can Tell Better, More Strategic Stories

Published on 2015/03/30 By admin

As a marketer, are you a good storyteller? Do you have a content marketing strategy that guides your storytelling? Maybe you already know how to build a content marketing strategy , but you’re curious to know how to improve it