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Everything Old Is New Again: Why & How to Refresh B2B Content

Published on 2019/04/18 By admin

Content creation —it’s the linchpin of our B2B content marketing strategies. And 56% of B2B content marketers have upped their investment in content creation over the past year—more than any other spending area. Without a steady cadence of fresh, quality content we can’t proactively adapt to our audience’s changing needs nor consistently reach, inform, engage, entertain, or inspire action within them

6 Steps to an Optimized and Socialized Content Workflow

Published on 2014/12/04 By admin

Digital marketing tactics have changed over the years but one thing has not – Customers are in the driver’s seat when it comes to the insights marketers need to deliver relevant, meaningful and useful content at the right time and the right place. To realize the benefits of customer insight requires an integrated approach – especially when it comes to content – discovery, consumption and interaction

9 Tips For Getting Free Clicks Through Google News

Published on 2013/10/18 By admin

“News is anything that’s interesting, that relates to what’s happening in the world, what’s happening in areas of the culture that would be of interest to your audience.” Kurt Loder, American journalist. Consider this: does the above quote describe the content of your… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

The Informational Content Advantage

Published on 2013/04/23 By admin

You may have heard that content is king, but the truth is that informational content is king. It’s estimated that approximately 50-80% of search queries are informational in nature (pdf).

The Informational Content Advantage

Published on 2013/04/23 By admin

You may have heard that content is king, but the truth is that informational content is king. It’s estimated that approximately 50-80% of search queries are informational in nature (pdf).

The Informational Content Advantage

Published on 2013/04/23 By admin

You may have heard that content is king, but the truth is that informational content is king.

Content & Customer Optimization Presentation from Search Congress Barcelona

Published on 2012/03/01 By admin

View from our “boat” in Barcelona during Search Congress I’m about to go on stage at the Search Congress conference in Barcelona and I thought I’d share the presentation that I’ll be giving. Don’t worry, only the title page is in Spanish but all the photos are from my last trip to Barcelona

Optimize & Prosper: Discovery, Consumption & Engagement

Published on 2011/11/28 By admin

A recent study “State of Digital Marketing Report” indicated that for both B2B (57%) and B2C (41%), search engine optimization was the most effective marketing tactic for lead generation over paid search advertising and social media marketing. Keep in mind, the study was sponsored by a provider of SEO services and had a conservative sample size.

Key SEO Questions For Better Content Marketing

Published on 2011/11/04 By admin

Amazing sunset outside of the TopRank office. The agency ( TopRank Online Marketing ) that I started with Susan Misukanis celebrated it’s 10th Birthday this year and in all my time as an Internet Marketer, no other combination of marketing tactics has yielded results like the combination of Search Engine Optimization and Content. Over the past 5 years Social Media has entered the mix as an even more powerful amplifier to the effect of optimized content

Using Social Awareness Streams To Learn What People Care About

Published on 2011/04/29 By admin

It wasn’t long ago that knowledge about our world came from newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, and of course, person to person gossip, storytelling and family gatherings. The Internet changed all that.