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Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me: “I Search Google. So Does Bing”

Published on 2011/02/12 By admin

Stephen Colbert & Jimmy Fallon weren’t the only ones having fun with Google’s accusations that Bing was copying Google’s search results.

Turning The Tables On The Google Toolbar & Disclosure Claims

Published on 2011/02/05 By admin

Part of this week’s debate over whether Microsoft’s Bing search engine is learning from Google involves data that Bing gathers through Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Google has suggested Microsoft isn’t giving fair disclosure.

Bing: Why Google’s Wrong In Its Accusations

Published on 2011/02/04 By admin

Along with everything else going on for Bing’s Harry Shum on Tuesday — a panel about search spam, dealing with Google’s accusations that Bing “copies” Google’s results — Shum dealt with perhaps his most important worry.

Colbert: “Hiybbprqag Is A Word Meaning You Got Served”

Published on 2011/02/03 By admin

Enter a new referee in the Copygate dispute between Google and Bing: comedian Stephen Colbert. Despite being sponsored by Bing, Colbert came down in Google’s favor last night on the Colbert Report — at least jokingly. Colbert comes into the story with a Bing spokesperson’s denial..