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The Definitive Guide to Podcast Intros by @albertcostill

Published on 2014/12/09 By admin

Several years ago – maybe longer than I’d care to admit – I was a part of the morning news show at my high school. Unfortunately, technology has made much of what I learned obsolete. However, there are a couple of things that haven’t really changed after all these years

A Thorough Data Analysis of Google’s Pirate Filter by @ericvanbuskirk

Published on 2014/11/19 By admin

Last week, Google began releasing its Pirate update; a penalty against what it called “notorious” piracy sites violating copyright laws. The first “Pirate” filter rolled out in August 2012. It purportedly caught websites with large numbers of complaints submitted against them for copyright infringements

A Guide To Using the DMCA To Protect Your Online Content

Published on 2014/09/03 By admin

As an attorney who has been advising websites, affiliates, and networks across the country for a decade, I know many Internet marketers see the law as an obstacle. What do I have to disclose

Has Your Content Been Stolen? A Lawyer’s Guide To Defending Your Online Content

Published on 2014/09/03 By admin

As an attorney who has been advising websites, affiliates, and networks across the country for a decade, I know many Internet marketers see the law as an obstacle. What do I have to disclose? What am I allowed to say in an ad?