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Fortune 500 vs Inc 500: Who’s More Social

Published on 2012/12/12 By admin

One of the many conversations I always hear at social media conferences, or within social media marketing discussions, is the fact that even though companies are starting to realize they need to be engaged in social media, they still have a hard time getting the upper level management to really engage and commit to using the top social communities. The post Fortune 500 vs Inc 500: Who’s More Social appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

5 Deadly Sins of Corporate Social Media Marketing

Published on 2010/10/08 By admin

While companies are hiring consultants, internal community managers, testing social media marketing management software and making other kinds of investments in social media marketing, there are a number of things, despite making those investments, many businesses are doing to sabotage their social media success. We could probably list a lot more than seven of these social media sins, but I’ll focus on some of the most important things I’ve been observing. 1.  Fear – Of course we know fear is all in the mind and by the looks of it, there are some pretty vivid imaginations out there.